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What Is Low-code Test Automation?

It’s hard to overstate how challenging software development is today. The market for web and mobile applications is more competitive than ever. Customers expect their applications to deliver a flawless, beautiful, and intuitive experience every time. Hiring and retaining high-quality software developers and engineers feels next to impossible given the low unemployment rate for IT professionals (just under 2% in the U.S. according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics).

Steps to Install Kafka on Ubuntu 20.04: 8 Easy Steps

Apache Kafka is a distributed message broker designed to handle large volumes of real-time data efficiently. Unlike traditional brokers like ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ, Kafka runs as a cluster of one or more servers which makes it highly scalable and due to this distributed nature it has inbuilt fault-tolerance while delivering higher throughput when compared to its counterparts. This article will walk you through the steps to install Kafka on Ubuntu 20.04 using simple 8 steps.

On the Future of Digital Innovation

WSO2 passed many key milestones in 2021: by year-end, we had over 700 customers in nearly 90 countries, our annual recurring revenue (ARR) grew 31% to reach $63.3 million, and we achieved a net dollar retention (NDR) of 109%. We also expanded the team from 550 to over 900 employees in less than two years and hired several key senior leaders.

For Every Github Action...

On Nov 13, 2019 Github made it’s CI/CD solution GitHub Actions generally available to the world. Since then tens of thousands of shared workflows have been published. It is now the default for most Github projects given how easy it is to integrate with an existing repo. Projects of all sizes have adopted it from our homegrown Terraform module to the Docker Cli. This is why at Speedscale we’ve published a template for how to use Speedscale in conjunction with GitHub Actions.

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Top 5 Kubernetes Load-Testing Tools and How They Compare

It's not for nothing that Kubernetes is a popular choice for running a cloud workload. It can be a powerful tool for orchestrating your applications. However, one thing that can often be a last thought in a production workflow, or maybe forgotten altogether, is load testing. It might be tempting to think that Kubernetes can handle it all. In many cases it can, but it's always smart to know how much your application can take. After reading this article, you'll be equipped to determine which tools would best serve you for load testing your application.

Ultimate Guide to Equity Compensation Management and Software

For small entrepreneurial businesses, equity compensation can be a very attractive way to attract and retain highly talented employees. In a nutshell, equity compensation is defined as non-cash remuneration that takes the form of stock options, restricted shares, employee stock purchase plans, and other vehicles that provide employees with an equity stake in the company. Equity compensation may also apply to non-employee services provided by independent contractors, board members, or advisors.

EDI vs API in B2B partner onboarding | How you can use both

This discussion has been going for years: who wins the battle of EDI vs API? On the one hand, EDI is considered to be a legacy technology that is difficult to implement and maintain. Yet at the same time many enterprise-grade software systems have it as a key element of information communication. In fact EDI continues to play an integral role specifically in the supply chain oriented industries such as logistics, automotive and, of course, retail.