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What is BDD Testing? A Complete Guide

BDD testing is an Agile approach to software testing where testers write test cases in simple language that even people without technical expertise can understand. The goal of BDD testing is to increase collaboration between the technical side and the business side. The Gherkin language is a unique business-readable language used to describe system behaviors and scenarios. It is structured by 3 primary statements: Given - When - Then, with each statement describing a specific aspect of the system.

Comparing AWS RDS ETL Tools

Amazon's Relational Database Service (AWS RDS) is a web-based service launched by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that unifies the setup, operation, and scaling of relational databases in the cloud. By using a dependable and feature-rich ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tool, you can simplify the process of retrieving, transforming, and sending data from the various systems you already use, like AWS RDS.

Keboola & Whaly: Getting You From Raw Data to Insights Faster

Is your business growing to the point where it’s critical to start learning from your data? It’s no easy feat figuring out where to start, especially if you don’t have a data team or the resources to hire one. While we all know that data has become the lifeblood of businesses, providing valuable insights that fuel decision-making and growth, getting started on the data journey is easier said than done.

The Fourth Pillar of Observability: Your Developers' Must-Have Observability Tool

A paradigm shift is overdue in the realm of software observability. While Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) have been having fun with metrics, traces, and logs, software developers have been left in the lurch, shackled to the conventional, low-fidelity tool of logs. Why should SREs have all the fun, right? Welcome to the dawn of a new era. An era where developers, too, can enjoy superior observability engineering. That’s where the fourth pillar of observability comes in: Snapshots.

API Platform and Data Mesh: Why Bring Them Together

Enterprises are investing in data mesh initiatives to accelerate how decisions are made and to create novel experiences based on machine learning models. Similarly, enterprises are investing in API platform initiatives to productize business domains (or bounded contexts in domain-driven design parlance) as self-service digital assets that accelerate innovation and improve business agility. Both initiatives are typically run as separate work streams.

Working with native elements in Flutter: Platform Channel vs Pigeon vs Foreign Function Interface (FFI)

Dart and Flutter are a powerful duo when building software applications, ranging from mobile apps - Android and iOS; to desktop apps - Linux, Windows, and macOS. Flutter is sufficient to handle most application features. However, some apps involve deeper integration with their platform components. Flutter boasts of smooth and easy-to-setup mechanisms for communication between Flutter and platform hosts.

Puppeteer in Node.js: More Antipatterns to Avoid

Puppeteer is a powerful browser automation library for web scraping and integration testing. However, the asynchronous, real-time API leaves plenty of room for gotchas and antipatterns to arise. This article is part of a series, starting with Avoiding Puppeteer Antipatterns and Puppeteer in Node.js: Common Mistakes to Avoid. In this post, we'll add another dozen antipatterns to the list. There will be no overlap with previous installments, so you may wish to start with those.

Why data integrity is essential for delivering realtime updates at scale

You're overseeing your delivery logistics from your dashboard when an alarming notification surfaces - one of your drivers has had a minor accident and they're unable to finish their route. You start considering your options. Is there a replacement driver close by? Is there a spare vehicle available for the original driver? Just as you're figuring things out, another alert arrives: your driver is okay and the delivery is still on time.

Common misconceptions of Exploratory Testing

Exploratory testing has become a more common topic amongst testers. Exploratory testing provides valuable quality related insights that otherwise would escape unnoticed. Unfortunately there’s still a long way to go until everyone can unlock the full potential exploratory testing. Not everyone has heard about it, not everyone understands exactly what it is, not everyone has taken the most out of it.