You’ll have heard of Dark Mode, a much-loved and ubiquitous type of theming for websites and applications that switches the page you’re looking at from a traditional white-background-dark-text theme to a darker background with lighter text. As it stands though, the availability of a dark mode theme is the responsibility of the developer.
Asgardeo’s new Organization Branding feature is now available for you to try out. In this post, we will cover the problem that has been addressed by Asgardeo, and what this new feature has to offer.
In this hands-on article, you'll learn how to build and test Flutter apps faster with the M1 Apple silicon chip.
Cloud computing is an innovation that has witnessed more tremendous growth than any other emerging technology in the last century in a very short period of time due to the numerous benefits that it offers that every sector and business can take advantage of.
In the first of this three-part blog series, Discover, Design and Automate Your Way to Business Agility, Speed, and. . . the Caribbean?, we introduced similarities between vacation planning and moving your business through digital transformation. In part 1, we explored the discovery phase: finding out how process mining helps identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your business processes so you can optimize and automate with agility and speed.
A HAR file is a breakdown of timings that help you better understand how your site gets built. The standard includes timings for DNS, objects, and connections, among others. These values are stored as JSON documents in a file called a.har. In practice, reading.har files can be complicated, but there are ways to make sense of the data for your particular web page or domain.
Advancements in technology pushed new entrepreneurs to be more adaptable for their businesses to grow. Unfortunately, further developments could be hindered by the talent deficit plaguing the corporate world. According to a recent survey from management consulting company McKinsey, 87 percent of executives worldwide said they are experiencing skills gap problems in the workforce.
We are pleased to say that Bugfender is now officially ISO 27001 certified: our code is developed following Secure Development Life Cycle, the code is reviewed manually and using automated tools, and we perform penetration tests, following the industry’s best practices. We have an incident response process, we perform employee background checks, training, supplier vetting, etc.