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Visual Regression Testing with Playwright

With Playwright, you can launch or connect to a Chrome, Edge, Safari, or Firefox browser and exchange instructions. The DevTools protocol (for Chrome browsers) and a bespoke protocol (for Firefox and WebKit browsers) are used for these messages. The primary benefit of adopting Playwright over Puppeteer is that Playwright supports many browser manufacturers, whereas Puppeteer exclusively supports Chrome-based browsers.

What Are Embedded Data Visualization Tools?

Data visualization is a core element and key capability of embedded analytics. Embedded data visualization tools create real-time visualizations (charts, graphs, etc) and can be embedded into any software application or integrated into a cloud or standalone app, and provides every user quick and easy ways to visualize information. This article explores the benefits of using embedded data visualization tools in your applications, and discusses how it can improve upon the traditional analytics experience.

Support Multiple Data Modeling Approaches with Snowflake

Since I joined Snowflake, I have been asked multiple times what data warehouse modeling approach Snowflake best supports. Well, the cool thing is that Snowflake supports multiple data modeling approaches equally. Turns out we have a few customers who have existing data warehouses built using a particular approach known as the Data Vault modeling approach, and they have decided to move into Snowflake. So the conversation often goes like this.

How E-Commerce Influences B2B Analytics in Your Data-Driven Enterprise

E-commerce is the future of B2C retail, with online retailers expected to generate a total of $5.55 trillion in sales in 2022. The benefits of e-commerce are almost endless: This business model overcomes geographical limitations, allows merchants to sell new products and services 24 hours a day, and eliminates many of the costs associated with managing a brick-and-mortar store. But do you know how e-commerce influences B2B analytics?

10 tips for better pull requests and code review

Code review is a widely adopted approach in the world of software development. Having fellow developers check your code (and checking theirs in turn) helps eliminate mistakes, clean the codebase, and share knowledge across the team. But as helpful as it is, code review can still be quite stressful and time consuming.

3 Use Cases for Embedded BI in 2022 to Enhance Your SaaS Product

As data takes the center stage for many organizations, data experts and business leaders are figuring out how to analyze it all. The total amount of data created, consumed, and copied globally has reached 64.2 zettabytes in 2020 and forecasted a CAGR of 19.2% from 2022 to 2025. In other words, we need better tools to leverage it! Organizations today leverage their data to provide better services, build better products, and create new revenue streamlines.

Embedded iPaaS: Implementation types, features, pros and cons

The significance of embedded iPaaS has significantly risen in the past months. This can be easily seen by reviewing the search volume for the keyword “embedded iPaaS” – if in October 2019, for example, there were only a handful of queries for this term, by the first quarter of 2022, the search volume has increased by 1500%. Yes, you’re reading it right, this is not a typo – by one thousand five hundred percent.

Everything you need to know about a Testing Center of Excellence (TCoE)

Innovation takes a back seat when testers are busy with day-to-day tasks like writing test cases and reporting bugs. A Testing Center of Excellence (TCoE) is the hub of innovation. This team of experts, researches and adopts the latest trends, technologies, and tools to maximize the value of software testing across an organization. The TCoE constantly focuses on improving and standardizing testing and quality processes to provide a competitive edge for the organization.