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Shift Left with Multibranch Pipeline Using Argo Workflows

This blog is a follow-up to our earlier discussion of multibranch pipelines and how they can help streamline software development processes. There we explored the benefits of managing pipelines in the same repository as code and how that gives developers the ability to version their pipelines alongside their code, ensuring they remain in sync.

Unlock Quality at Scale with Xray Enterprise

The days of waterfall and siloed teams are gone. QA now works alongside development to release products faster and find bugs sooner. Agile transformations changed how companies work, bringing development and testing together and prioritizing quality. However, the current market and consumers demand higher levels of quality and faster releases. Companies can’t afford bugs, vulnerabilities, or critical issues. Quality is no longer a vision - it’s a necessity.

Testers, This Appraisal Season, Get The Hike You Desire!

The appraisal cycle is almost upon us. Unfortunately, the timing doesn’t seem right. Major layoffs and hiring freezes. have been announced by several large companies as a result of the economic downturn and over-hiring. Several companies have stopped or delayed appraisals, while others continue to conduct them. Despite the recession, many companies are still doing well. Amidst the layoff season, startups and SMBs are still hiring and opening more jobs.

Streamlining your iOS release process with Bitrise's automated Release Management: Stay informed with automated notifications

With Release Management’s new features, you can streamline your release process with automated notifications. These include TestFlight upload post-processing notifications and App Store review updates. What’s more, integrate it with Slack and keep everyone on the team up-to-date.

Is Voice of the Customer (VoC) relevant in 2023?

Every so often, different advocates across organizations ignore the Voice of the Customer. This may be due to changes in business priorities, redistribution of resources, focus on new trends, or that they clear a profit regardless. This brings the value of the customer's voice into question: should we still allocate time and effort towards listening to customers when following new trends is the norm? ‍ The short answer is a resounding yes.

Data & Traffic Are Key to Kubernetes Preview Environments

Preview environments are temporary environments where developers can test code changes before deploying them to production, also called ephemeral environments, they’re temporary and should be discarded after testing changes. Carrying out tests using accurate data is a major challenge when creating and destroying environments. Put differently, you need realistic data and traffic in the preview environment to reflect the performance of code changes in production.

Introducing nsuv

Here at NodeSource we are focused on fixing issues for the enterprise. This includes adding functionality and features to Node.js that are useful for enterprise-level deployments but would be difficult to upstream. One is the ability to execute commands remotely on Worker threads without the addition of running the inspector, such as capturing CPU profiles or heap snapshots.

Moesif Awarded Best B2B Tech Product by Products That Count

Moesif has been named the Top B2B Tech Product in the 2023 Product Awards; Moesif won the Award as one of the Best Products for Product Managers. The Product Awards, presented by Products That Count in partnership with Mighty Capital and Capgemini, is the only awards show designed to celebrate the tools that help Product Managers build great products.