How to use Mobile DevOps to level up your team's mobile skills
In an episode of our Mobile DevOps is a thing! podcast, we talked to Swift developer John Sundell about Mobile DevOps and his consultancy services, among other things.
In an episode of our Mobile DevOps is a thing! podcast, we talked to Swift developer John Sundell about Mobile DevOps and his consultancy services, among other things.
Medical device companies who wish to sell their products in their respective countries must adhere to the regulations provided by the country’s regulatory bodies for labeling medical devices. Do you know? One-third of all medical errors are caused by poor labeling. Labeling and packaging issues are the leading causes of medication errors. Instructions on medical devices or labelling are things that should be understandable to the user who reads them without any medical knowledge.
The is a checked exception in Java that occurs when an attempt to open a file denoted by a specified pathname fails. This exception is thrown by the FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, and RandomAccessFile constructors when a file with the specified pathname either does not exist or is inaccessible.
In their recent report on insurance services, ISG outlined the everlasting impact of COVID-19 on the insurance industry: “greater adoption of online and omnichannel distribution, cloud platform services, and analytics to cope with the crisis and to prepare for new ways of operating and serving customers.” With more emerging players entering the insurance market and insurers recognizing the need for providing a digital experience, consumer demands for a connected insurance experience have gr
The sheer quantity and diversity of data sources make today’s landscape strikingly different — which requires a new set of tools.
In part 1 of this blog we discussed how Cloudera DataFlow for the Public Cloud (CDF-PC), the universal data distribution service powered by Apache NiFi, can make it easy to acquire data from wherever it originates and move it efficiently to make it available to other applications in a streaming fashion.
In 2015 GraphQL was created by Facebook as an alternative to REST APIs to give more power to frontend developers by making API calls more flexible. GraphQL achieves this goal by providing its API consumers with a query language that allows them to query just the data they need. While GraphQL can improve frontend developer experience, its specification doesn’t have opinions on security.
It is necessary to test web apps and ensure that they perform according to user requirements in order to provide a high-end user experience. There are several tools and frameworks available on the market for testing online applications, including Playwright, Cypress, and Selenium to mention a few.