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Cloud pubsub services compared: Azure Web PubSub vs Ably

This video complements the blog post about Cloud pubsub services compared: Azure Web PubSub & Ably. In the video we highlight the following three major differences between Azure Web PubSub and Ably: Creating the cloud resource Creating a client side connection Presence The blogpost contains the following aspects for the comparison: About Ably

Elastic stack-based Analytics Integration with WSO2 Identity Server

WSO2 Identity Server is an API-driven open source IAM product designed to help you build effective CIAM solutions. ELK-based analytics solution is introduced to view the login and session-related analytics data. Three dashboard templates are provided by default: Auth dashboard, Session dashboard, and alert dashboard. The session dashboard includes statistics related to sessions that get created for different applications accessed via the WSO2 Identity Server. Auth dashboard includes statistics related to login attempts made via the WSO2 Identity Server. The Alert dashboard includes suspicious Login Alerts and Long session alerts.

Multi-Attribute Login with WSO2 Identity Server

Depending on the business, the applications may need to authenticate with different login attributes. For example, social media applications use userId, email, or mobile number as the identifier, Internet banking applications use userId or username as the identifier, Corporate enterprise applications use email as the identifier. In WSO2 Identity Server 6.0.0 provides the capability to use different login attributes as a productized feature. It gives users the flexibility to choose their preferred identity attribute when logging in, such as email, username, or mobile number. A privileged user in the organization can configure the list of allowed attributes that can be used as the login identifier.

Predictable Code in Elixir: Expressions as Reducers and Macros

In the first part of this series on maintainable Elixir code, we started by applying rules for code predictability in our code design. We immediately saw an emerging pattern: a series of transformations on state. In this part, we'll explore this pattern further. We'll first learn how to write expressions as reducers. Then we'll use metaprogramming to make use of reducers and enforce code style seamlessly. Finishing up, we'll see an example where all the pieces fit together. Let's get going!

6 key metrics to determine product quality

Every organization knows what quality should look like for the products they work on. However, what’s the best way of knowing whether the obtained quality compares to the expected quality of the product(s)? Quality can be both quantitative and qualitative. Many questions could be asked to determine quality. For example, "How do you feel about the product you use? How easy is it to use? Does it behave as expected? Do customers keep coming back to use our product?

The Red Velvet Rope of Low-Code Data Security

Here at Appian we're really excited to have released our low-code data security feature earlier this year. If you're not sure what that is, you're in good company. Even our parents just look at us blankly before saying "that's nice, dear" and changing the subject. Someone who doesn't love us unconditionally might be more skeptical.