Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk makes it easy to deploy and scale your applications with load balancing, health monitoring, and auto-scaling. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to deploy a Node JS application with AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
Since Apple started using SwiftUI in its operating systems, it has been experiencing a noticeable evolution, from redesigns of apps to deep system integrations. The team behind SwiftUI has taken into account the feedback they got on Twitter and other social networking sites, resulting in some fantastic APIs to work and play with this year! Here’s a quote from the session on “What’s new in SwiftUI”: So, let’s dive into everything that SwiftUI 4.0 has to offer you!
Lead time is a crucial metric in software development; it measures the time between the allocation of the work through code commit and finally to production. For us, lead time is essentially the time from backlog to the app store, or from production to the app store.
This has been the center of countless dialogues and debates for decades now. Some believe that institutionalizing innovation means conducting hackathons, investing in research and startups and promoting open office seating, and so on. Others say that innovation is about investing in new technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Blockchain, Intelligent Automation, or embracing new business models.