Choosing the right tool for a web application can be tricky. But if you do, it will make things a lot easier for you. Depending on your application, combining Node.js and MongoDB works well most of the time — especially if you use a front-end framework like React (MERN), Angular (MEAN), or Vue (MEVN). In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a CRUD application using Node.js and MongoDB and write some basic tests for your Node.js API.
Oracle Cloud ERP enables businesses to harness the power of the cloud with built-in security, easy access to data, and native reporting tools. Offering scalability, security, and greater visibility into your organization’s information, this ERP comes with a variety of benefits. But when you’re looking to transition into a cloud-based ERP, where do you start? Here, we discuss the top five best practices of moving to Oracle Cloud ERP.
It is pretty common to envision software developers spending most of their time writing fancy code, building new, shiny features for applications, and smoothly deploying them to production. However, the reality is usually messier. Things break all the time — your code fails, the system runs out of memory, exceptions go unhandled, dependencies conflict, servers overload, slow requests take forever, and whatnot.