Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Testing Web App Performance Under Custom Network Conditions

When developing web applications, one of the important things is to provide smooth accessibility of your product to the clients. But that is not an easy task to accomplish as several factors come into play. Software testing requires coverage of many different devices, environments, and conditions. We in Loadero provide features to use different browsers, run tests from different locations, set different fake media for webcam and mic simulation, etc.

Proven Methods and Tool to Migrate SAP ERP HCM to SAP Cloud SF

Some enterprises are vacillating about migrating from on-Premise SAP HCM to cloud-based SAP SuccessFactors. But in the future, they will be forced to switch, as the on-Premise legacy system is not designed to keep up with the pace of the upcoming consumer-driven market. Even SAP’s own announcement about the year 2027 as the deadline for SAP ERP HCM support makes the migration inevitable.

How Ecommerce Data Influences B2B Analytics

Practitioners of data analytics for Ecommerce businesses often focus on its impact on B2C (business-to-consumer) companies. By collecting customer data, for example, B2C companies can improve the customer experience, increase their conversion rates, launch smarter marketing campaigns, attract and retain new customers, and a variety of other benefits. However, B2B (business-to-business) Ecommerce companies can see just as many advantages from smart use of their Ecommerce data for analytics.

Fraud Processing With Cloudera Stream Processing

SQL Stream Builder, part of Cloudera Stream Processing offering, allows developers and analysts to write streaming applications using industry-standard SQL. In this video, you will learn the interactive experience with syntax checking, error reporting, schema detection, query creation, and creating outputs on fraud detection with its powerful interface and APIs.

Unlocking the Power of Connected Insurance

To stay ahead of today's rapidly evolving technology landscape and skyrocketing customer demands, insurers need to transform their digital ecosystem to deliver an omni-channel, connected insurance experience. At this year's InsurTech Insight conference, Gijsbert Cox, Insurance industry lead at Appian, hosted a session to discover how to deliver the connected insurance journey today's customer's demand while increasing efficiency and profitability.

Docker Crash Course: Fundamentals of Docker in 1 Hour!

In this crash course you are going to get some real worthy insights over what docker is all about? Docker enable both the tester and developer to run the application in the Docker environment without having to face differences in dependencies issue as before.​ Here you can find out how this miracle can happens. We will talk about containers, libraries, configuration files, dependencies, and other necessary parts to operate the application.​