Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Every Experience Matters: By Making Apps Inaccessible, Brands Lose Out Big

Today marks the ending of our series ‘Every Experience Matters: Stat of the Week.’ Over the past few weeks we have stressed how mobile app bugs negatively impact a company’s bottom line. This can come in the form of cart abandonment, negative reviews or even user churn. We may have saved the best for last though because today we are diving into the world of accessibility and the tremendous opportunity that brands are fumbling when attempting to appeal to a wider audience.

Overcome These 4 Common D365 F&SCM Challenges with Jet Reports

So, you’re working for a medium to large enterprise that uses Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain (D365 F&SCM) as its ERP system. You have multiple options for reporting and analysis available to you from Microsoft. But if your business is growing, you are probably looking to push beyond the out-of-the-box capabilities to develop your own custom analysis and meaningful data insights.

Winning with Analytics: The Transformation of Clinical Trials for Scientists

The end goal of clinical technology organizations in the US and abroad is to use modern technology to bring life-saving new treatments to fruition. Leaders in this sphere help generate the evidence and insights to help biotech, pharmaceutical, medical device, and diagnostic companies accelerate value, minimize risk, and optimize outcomes. Life sciences clients recognize that technology is the answer to inefficiencies and delays in delivering new treatments to the public.

Apple is deprecating Xcode 12. What does this mean for you and your Codemagic projects?

Apple recently announced that starting from April 25, 2022, all iOS or iPadOS apps you submit to the App Store need to be built with Xcode 13 (or later). This means that Xcode 12 is now deprecated, and people using Xcode 12 or older can no longer publish their apps to the App Store without upgrading their Xcode version. Each year, Apple decides to deprecate the older version of Xcode and stop allowing apps built with it to be uploaded to the store.

How to solve version inconsistencies for a better compilation with Codemagic CI/CD

In the development world, it’s very common for technologies to be rapidly updated to introduce new features that improve the development experience and performance. These updates are very beneficial for developers because they allow them to create better products. This is especially the case when a CI/CD like Codemagic is used for continuous deployment that streamlines the process of delivering new products.

Beyond Observability for the Modern Data Stack

The term “observability” means many things to many people. A lot of energy has been spent—particularly among vendors offering an observability solution—in trying to define what the term means in one context or another. But instead of getting bogged down in the “what” of observability, I think it’s more valuable to address the “why.” What are we trying to accomplish with observability? What is the end goal?

Great Financial Storytelling Begins with Great Tech

Finance professionals know that data matters, but stories convey truth in ways that mere numbers simply cannot. Those who work in finance may describe themselves as “numbers people.” They have a natural affinity for quantitative information, as well as a knack for drawing meaningful conclusions when presented with a collection of numerical figures. Even so, finance team members probably understand and retain information more readily when it’s presented in narrative form.

The Stripe Developer Experience and Docs Teardown

In this article, we are going to explore why the Stripe developer experience is so passionately supported by thousands of developers globally. One of Stripe’s missions is to increase the GDP of the internet, and over the last decade, they’ve successfully executed 250 million API requests per day and over 91 billion requests per year through their APIs.

Data Observability Driven Development | The perfect analogy for beginners

When explaining what Data Observability Driven Development (DODD) is and why it should be a best practice in any data ecosystem, using food traceability as an analogy can be helpful. The purpose of food traceability is to be able to know exactly where food products or ingredients came from and what their state is at each moment in the supply chain. It is a standard practice in many countries, and it applies to almost every type of food product.

Introduction Build Insights

A quick introduction to the Insights dashboard on Bitrise. Build Insights is a monitoring tool that provides you a convenient means to check in on your build performance and track accompanying metrics. With a quick scan, you can see how all your apps and workflows are doing. If something doesn't look right, drill in for more details to understand where the problem is on app, Workflow, and Step level. To optimize your builds, you can use the data from the following main areas.