Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Simplifying automatic code signing on Bitrise

We are simplifying code signing on Bitrise. Now there are two ways to automate code signing on Bitrise: using Xcode Build/Archive Steps (with iOS Auto Provision Steps merged into them) and not using these Steps, but 'Manage iOS Code Signing' instead. In both cases, we've reduced the number of things that could go wrong. Let's see what has changed!

Ably wins three 2021 DevPortal Awards

Here at Ably, we constantly strive to enhance our state-of-the-art product offering and to provide an industry-leading developer experience for our users. As a testament to our ongoing efforts, we’re delighted to announce that Ably has recently won three 2021 DevPortal Awards: The DevPortal Awards aims to: This is the second year running when Ably has taken part in the DevPortal Awards. In 2020, we won two DevPortal Awards.

Leveraging BigQuery Audit Log pipelines for Usage Analytics

In the BigQuery Spotlight series, we talked about Monitoring. This post focuses on using Audit Logs for deep dive monitoring. BigQuery Audit Logs are a collection of logs provided by Google Cloud that provide insight into operations related to your use of BigQuery. A wealth of information is available to you in the Audit Logs. Cloud Logging captures events which can show “who” performed “what” activity and “how” the system behaved.

Financial Services and Digital Transformation: A Conversation with Chris Skinner

The core theme at Sibos 2021 was digital transformation, its impact on the finance industry, and how financial institutions can drive this transformation. Digital transformation is wide-reaching and can mean different things for different industries. For financial services organizations, it’s about bringing technology up to par to meet client needs, adhere to regulatory requirements, and mitigate risk.

The Top 25 Grafana Interview Questions

If you are looking for your next role which involves an in-depth knowledge of Grafana then you will want to make sure that you have revised sufficiently beforehand. In this resource guide on the top Grafana interview questions, we've listed all of the leading questions that candidates are commonly asked about this popular visual analysis tool alongside the answers you’ll need to pass. Want to improve your knowledge even further?

How To Ensure You Are Following The Best Coding Practices

From email automation to website functions to apps on our phones, the digital world runs on the language of computers: coding. Coding is the thinking behind digital minds, telling machines what to do, how to do it and when it needs to be done. Unfortunately, coding is a difficult field to organize. Every language uses specialized syntax, which every developer uses with subtle variation depending on company and geographic location.

10 Best Practices for Building a Good API

APIs are being created faster than ever before with ever-advancing technologies such as node.js and AngularJS. With the flexibility in design and integrations for APIs, there isn't a more exciting time than now to be an API developer. However, with so many new technologies and methods of creating APIs comes the question, "What makes a good API?" While the increase in API creation has many advantages for businesses in multiple areas, there is also more room for low-quality API production.

Recognizing Organizations Leading the Way in Data Security & Governance

The right set of tools helps businesses utilize data to drive insights and value. But balancing a strong layer of security and governance with easy access to data for all users is no easy task. Retrofitting existing solutions to ever-changing policy and security demands is one option. Another option — a more rewarding one — is to include centralized data management, security, and governance into data projects from the start.