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Optimizing Your Data Story

Picture it with me: a time when you were a child and someone read your favorite story to you, or when you were an adult and you read someone their favorite story. I want you to focus on the emotions remembering that experience generated. Personally, I thought about reading the book, “Guess How Much I Love You,” to my daughter when she was young and how she would sit on my lap and hang on to every word.

Point-to-Point vs Publish/Subscribe | Microservices 101

Communication between microservices can be broadly categorized as either point-to-point or publish/subscribe. Point-to-point is often used synchronously, while publish/subscribe tends to be asynchronous. Each of these techniques can have a place in a modern microservices platform, but it is important to understand the role each one plays so that they can be used effectively. CHAPTERS.

Embedded Analytics in 2023: A Year in Review

2023 was a big year for developers, with technology taking huge leaps forward in new and exciting areas like AI. With this new unlocked potential, advanced analytics jumped back to the top of the capability wish list for many technology buyers. With customers now expecting more than ever from analytics, many development teams invested in embedded analytics solutions to reduce the workload and time to value for their applications. Here are some of the top trends from last year in embedded analytics.