Of the many things one might take for granted, access to banking and financial services may not immediately come to mind. But as a thought experiment, imagine trying to buy a home or a car without the ability to take out a loan. Try depending on cash payments from your employer, or relying on alternative banking solutions like short-term payday loans, check-cashing services, and prepaid debit cards.
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Moesif in 100 Seconds Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist
Video Tutorial Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist
Need an account? Sign up at: https://bit.ly/3p2msvL
Moesif in 100 Seconds Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist
Video Tutorial Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist
Cyberattacks are terrifying because of their potential to wreak havoc on a massive scale. The interconnectedness that the internet provides can totally be exploited. Quality assurance teams around the world have to be prepared against such disastrous scenarios, so they sometimes launch authorized cyberattacks on their own systems to check for vulnerabilities. This process is known as penetration testing, or pen testing for short.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming the go-to for businesses looking to up their game. Its advances have led to a suite of AI-powered tools that make running a company smoother—from automating redundant tasks to whipping up stunning visuals to redefining customer service. We’ll introduce you to the best AI tools for productivity and provide strategies to integrate AI into your daily operations.
Websites and apps are slowly starting to integrate more collaborative features as a means of increasing interactivity and the functionality of various use-cases. Be it a collaborative document or a chat room, one common feature is to show who else is in the space with you. Typically this’ll be done with an Avatar Stack, a collection of icons, each representing a client connected to the space.
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Moesif in 100 Seconds Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist
Video Tutorial Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist