“Object Reference Not Set to an instance of an object.” Cast the first stone for those who never struggled with this error message as a beginner C# / .NET programmer. This infamous and dreaded error message happens when you get a NullReferenceException. This exception throws when you attempt to access a member. For instance, a method or a property on a variable that currently holds a null reference. But what does null reference exactly mean? What exactly are references?
API testing is easier said than done. When trying to do API testing we often find ourselves in the land of “what-ifs”—what if the third-party services we rely on are down? What if the APIs we need are still under construction? The solution, a Mock API. While this is a powerful approach, to unleash its full potential it is important to implement it correctly. That’s where Katalon steps in.
Financial professionals encounter periods of high activity throughout the year. Whether you serve as a CFO, specialize in taxation, or contribute to the team responsible for closing financial records and generating year-end reports, any time can become crunch time. These intervals demand long hours at the office (or working evenings from your home office) as you diligently tackle the extensive list of tasks that require immediate attention.