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Deploy turn-key DataOps for AWS MSK

Running your own Kafka is starting to feel like wading through oatmeal. We’re not the only ones thinking that. The majority of organizations we speak to have or are in the process of moving their Kafka to a managed service. If you’re already an AWS-shop, Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK) is a no-brainer. It is the same Kafka that we know and love and integrated with other AWS services such as IAM, Cloudwatch, Cloudtrail, KMS, VPC and more.

Why should you use Elasticsearch on your website?

In this post we’re covering a range of the best reasons why you should consider using Elasticsearch for your business or website. We’ve brought together some of our favourite experts working in eCommerce and Technology to let us know why they love using Elasticsearch for their projects & why they would recommend this powerful search engine. Two of the biggest reasons for using Elasticsearch were detailed by Usama Raudo, Marketing Strategist at Within The Flow.

FaaS Vs. Serverless: Resolving the Dilemma

In the vast ever-changing world of technology, Serverless and Faas are the two new categories of cloud computing services. Both FaaS and Serverless have helped organizations in saving money, refocusing developers’ time, relegating infrastructure management, and harnessing cloud technology. However, while both are treated as the same, there is a slight difference. Through this post, we will shed light on the similarities and differences between FaaS vs.

An Overview of Real Time Data Warehousing on Cloudera

Users today are asking ever more from their data warehouse. This is resulting in advancements of what is provided by the technology, and a resulting shift in the art of the possible. As an example of this, in this post we look at Real Time Data Warehousing (RTDW), which is a category of use cases customers are building on Cloudera and which is becoming more and more common amongst our customers.

Analytics Experience Explained

One of the really big trends that we're seeing in the analytics space, is the move towards talking about the analytics experience. Analytics experience is about supporting or triggering decisions and transactions. This is a shift from what I would describe as the passive use of analytics, where people were expected to use dashboards and reports that didn't add a lot of value to their transactions or decision making. The difference sounds subtle, but it's really quite profound.

Mobile Cloud Testing 101 | Introduction and Implementation

With 2.1 billion smartphone users and 10,000+ mobile apps released daily, the mobile application field seems lucrative yet more competitive than ever, especially the testing landscape. To account for such demands, entering cloud mobile testing: transparency and mobility allow businesses and developers teams to optimize their mobile app testing pipeline while ensuring the application quality.

Exploring Five Types of COVID-19 Workforce Safety Software Solutions

If your COVID-19 reopening plans have gone through more phases than you can count, you’re not alone. What was once planned for October has pushed to January or June or maybe never. Even the companies that have managed to get back onsite or into the office often live in constant vigilance, knowing that a single positive COVID-19 test could send them into lockdown.