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Popular Libraries of Node.js in 2023

For a few years now, Node.js has been widely recognized among developers. So, what is this latest buzz surrounding Node.js that we keep hearing about? Why is it so well-liked? You all must be curious to know the answers to these questions, right? Well, websites have undoubtedly grown significantly during the past 20 years, and Node.js has also experienced rapid expansion.

What is gRPC?

gRPC is an open source remote procedure call (RPC) framework that enables client and server applications to communicate with each other remotely and transparently. In this blog post, we are going to discuss gRPC. First, we’ll talk about RPCs and why they are important. Then we’ll explain how gRPC works, taking a closer look at protocol buffers and the architecture of gRPC.

Building Cloud Native Data Apps on Premises

Data is core to decision making today and organizations often turn to the cloud to build modern data apps for faster access to valuable insights. With cloud operating models, decision making can be accelerated, leading to competitive advantages and increased revenue. Can you achieve similar outcomes with your on-premises data platform? You absolutely can.