Last year, we introduced an easier way of distributing your app to users via the App Store. It simplified and automated publishing apps on App Store Connect with a few lines you could add to your codemagic.yaml file. This feature automated your iOS releases from start to finish and pushed the CI-verified builds straight to the App Store. We are excited to announce that we have simplified this process even further! Now, you can directly reference the API key and authenticate with App Store Connect!
At ground level, simulation imitates a process or a system through a model. These models are usually software-based and represent the key characteristics of the chosen system you want to imitate. As a result, the simulation collectively represents how the system evolves with respect to various scenarios and times. From testing your apps for one operating system on another to creating a virtual reality environment for learning how to drive a car – simulations are used in numerous use cases.
Andres Pineda is a Senior Front-end Developer at Shopify, and at the Mobile DevOps Summit, he shared tips to help you build apps for global audiences. Let’s recap the discussion.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way healthcare is delivered today. The industry’s data-driven evidential approach to medicine combined with AI is set to transform both the practice of medicine and how the treatment is delivered. AI is already being used to reinvent how people manage their health and access care, automate care delivery plans, and help with tedious tasks.
IDC research shows that automated data movement enables organizations to improve insights and derive more value from cloud data warehouses and lakes.