Data pipelines are in high demand in today’s data-driven organizations. As critical elements in supplying trusted, curated, and usable data for end-to-end analytic and machine learning workflows, the role of data pipelines is becoming indispensable. To keep up, data pipelines are being vigorously reshaped with modern tools and techniques.
Apache Ozone is a distributed object store built on top of Hadoop Distributed Data Store service. It can manage billions of small and large files that are difficult to handle by other distributed file systems. As an important part of achieving better scalability, Ozone separates the metadata management among different services: Ozone Manager (OM) service manages the metadata of the namespace such as volume, bucket and keys.
Today marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for Cloudera. Cloudera will become a private company with the flexibility and resources to accelerate product innovation, cloud transformation and customer growth.