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September 2023

100 Test Cases For Registration Page (With Template + Detailed Guide)

A Registration page is more than just a place for users to create their account. It is a process designed to protect the backend, ensure compliance with privacy and security standards, as well as verify the users before granting them certain access to the digital services. If you are trying to test your Registration page and don’t know where to start, read on and discover 60 test cases for Registration Page that you can use for references.

What Is a Data-Driven Organization?

Organizations that consistently use data for decision-making and improving operations outperform their competition. In fact, B2B companies utilizing data experience above-market growth and earnings increases of 15 to 25%. McKinsey forecasts that by 2025, almost all employees will use data to support their work naturally and regularly. Compare that to how organizations currently apply data-driven approaches—sporadically throughout the organization.

Do the Benefits of Cloud Outweigh the Costs?

Companies are now making a decisive shift from traditional on-premises Oracle software to Oracle’s cutting-edge cloud solutions. In fact, a recent Gartner report on cloud expenditure found that cross-industry cloud spend has risen from 8% as a percentage of total IT spend in 2018 to 16% in 2022. Worldwide spending on public cloud services is expected to grow by 21.7% in 2023.

AI Process Automation: 4 Predictions for the Age of AI

Generative AI seems like it's shaking things up for process automation, like other industries. But in reality, artificial intelligence is less of a shake-up and more of a natural complement to the capabilities that support a process automation initiative. Imagine a world where AI can turn a PDF into a digital interface, or sort all the emails in an inbox and generate responses for an employee to review.

Perforce Adds Generative AI to Test Data Automation to Increase Precision, Coverage, and Shift Left Velocity

BlazeMeter's new Test Data Pro adds generative AI in three significant ways to auto-generate test data, increase data profiling precision, and enable natural language for test data rule creation.

Apache Kafka Message Compression

Apache Kafka® supports incredibly high throughput. It’s been known for feats like supporting 20 million orders per hour to get COVID tests out to US citizens during the pandemic. Kafka's approach to partitioning topics helps achieve this level of scalability. Topic partitions are the main "unit of parallelism" in Kafka. What’s a unit of parallelism? It’s like having multiple cashiers in the same store instead of one.

Overcoming the Cold Start Challenge with Gunicorn Workers in Python in Django Applications

Performance metrics in computer science are typically based on time and space complexity. Time complexity deals with the application's execution time, while space complexity pertains to the memory it consumes during execution. For Django, performance relates to the speed at which a server processes user requests and returns results. The quicker the response, the better the user experience.

Kong announces new AWS Workshops and AddOns for EKS Blueprints for Terraform

The Kong and Amazon (AWS) partnership is stronger than ever! As Kong continues to evolve, with Kong Konnect and Kong Mesh, the means of integrating with AWS grows as well. In a continuous effort to offer cutting-edge collaborations, Kong announces new Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) based contributions: Kong Konnect AddOns for the EKS Blueprints for Terraform framework and two new Kong AWS workshops.

Stay Compliant and Informed: Discover Choreo's Logging and Observability Advancements

Image by vectorjuice on Freepik In today's digital economy, enterprises have to strike the right balance between gaining application and user insights and safeguarding data privacy. With Choreo's feature that derives direct log insights and observability from data planes, organizations can now prioritize enterprise compliance while delivering essential functionality.