Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

September 2023

Fine-Tuning a Foundation Model for Multiple Tasks

In this video we discuss the reasons why fine-tuning is needed to create mroe contextual accurate LLMs, and the methods that you can do to accomplish this. We also give a demo of our newest Applied ML Prototype (AMP) which demonstrates how to implement LLM fine-tuning jobs that make use of the QLoRA and Accelerate implementations available in the PEFT open-source library from Huggingface and an example application that swaps the fine-tuned adapters in real time for inference targetting different tasks. Learn more at #ml.

How to load data from a JSON file

This video covers how you can quickly and seamlessly load data to a JSON file, meaning how to create a JSON file. Data can be loaded from a database, API or any other source. We answer the question of how to automatically create a JSON file with your data. Data can be used to load into any target with Linx. Load data from any source to any target. How to quickly create a JSON file? Linx is a general-purpose, low-code platform for backends.

How to load data from an API

Quickly load data from a REST API. This video answers the questions: How to quickly load data from a REST API? How to process REST Data? We will go over how you can call a REST API, retrieve data from it and load that data into a database. Linx is a general-purpose, low-code platform for backends. Developers use Linx to build, test, deploy and manage backend solutions such as APIs, integrations and automation.

The top 11 React chart libraries for data visualization

In today’s data-driven world, presenting data in a visually compelling manner is paramount for user engagement and clarity. React, a premier library for building UIs, has an extensive UI component ecosystem which offers many options for integrating charts. From business analytics dashboards to scientific data displays, the right charting library can transform numbers into insightful narratives.

How To Optimize Python Code

Currently, Python is the most used programming language for different projects around the world. According to statistics, 44.1% of programmers choose Python coding language for application/web development. However, that does not mean that Python developers are exempt from creating messy and inefficient code that can cost you and your clients time and money This is where Python code optimization comes in.

Telecommunications Data Monetization Strategies in 5G and beyond with Cloudera and AWS

The world is awash with data, no more so than in the telecommunications (telco) industry. With some Cloudera customers ingesting multiple petabytes of data every single day— that’s multiple thousands of terabytes!—there is the potential to understand, in great detail, how people, businesses, cities and ecosystems function.

Low-Code AI Tools: 5 Key Benefits

Artificial intelligence (AI) has led to a seismic shift in the business landscape, largely due to the surge in popularity of large language models like ChatGPT. From predictive models that foster better decision-making to generative AI code tools that enable teams to build applications faster, AI offers incredible benefits to organizations. Businesses need to embrace this technology or risk falling behind their competitors.

60 Test Cases For API Testing (With Template + API Testing Best Practices)

Application Programming Interface (API) is the backbone of the modern world. A lot of the activities you do on digital platforms leverage APIs, and testing those APIs is key to delivering good User Experience in software and applications. If you are trying to test APIs and don’t know where to start, read on and discover 60 test cases for API testing that you can use for references.

What are Microservices? Code Examples, Best Practices, Tutorials and More

Microservices are increasingly used in the development world as developers work to create larger, more complex applications that are better developed and managed as a combination of smaller services that work cohesively together for more extensive, application-wide functionality. Tools such as Service Fabric are rising to meet the need to think about and build apps using a piece-by-piece methodology that is, frankly, less mind-boggling than considering the whole of the application at once.