Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

June 2024

What is Streaming ETL?

Streaming ETL is a modern approach to extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) that processes and moves data from source to destination in real-time. It relies on real-time data pipelines that process events as they occur. Events refer to various individual pieces of information within the data stream. Depending on the source and purpose of the data, an event could be a single user visit to a website, a new post on a social media platform, or a data point from a temperature sensor.

Linx Fundamental Training

This video will show you how to use Linx and will allow you to streamline your back-end development by introducing the core principles of Linx. Here are the sections for easy access to each: We hope this video is helpful to get you started on your Linx journey. Linx is a general-purpose, low-code platform for backends. Developers use Linx to build, test, deploy and manage backend solutions such as APIs, integrations and automation.

How to build a Rails API with rate limiting

APIs are the bread and butter of the internet. The ability to interact with our applications programmatically enables interoperability and makes our lives as developers easier. Unfortunately, web applications are vulnerable to malicious actors that seek to misuse them or degrade their performance, which is why rate limiting is an important part of any API.

Google Play Store Policy Changes 2024

Google regularly updates its developer policies to make sure Google Play is a safe and trustworthy platform for everyone. While this is unquestionably necessary and essential to protect users and their data, keeping up with the latest changes to ensure applications remain safe and compliant can feel a little overwhelming for developers.

Snowflake Massively Expands Types of Applications That Can Be Built, Deployed and Distributed on Snowflake

Apps are the way to democratize AI: to make it accessible to everyone and streamline customers’ experiences with faster time to insights. According to a recent IDC survey, AI applications is currently the largest category of AI software, accounting for roughly one-half of the market’s overall revenue in 2023.

Simplified End-to-End Development for Production-Ready Data Pipelines, Applications, and ML Models

In today’s world, innovation doesn’t happen in a vacuum; collaboration can help technological breakthroughs happen faster. The rise of AI, for example, will depend on the collaboration between data and development. We’re increasingly seeing software engineering workloads that are deeply intertwined with a strong data foundation.

AnswerThePublic: Unlocking Insights from Search Queries

In the digital age, understanding the pulse of public interest is crucial for web professionals. AnswerThePublic, a cutting-edge search listening tool, has emerged as a vital resource for tapping into the collective inquiries of internet users worldwide. With over 15 years of experience in content strategy, many experts have seen tools come and go, but AnswerThePublic stands out for its ability to transform raw search data into actionable insights.