Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

June 2024

Snowflake Massively Expands Types of Applications That Can Be Built, Deployed and Distributed on Snowflake

Apps are the way to democratize AI: to make it accessible to everyone and streamline customers’ experiences with faster time to insights. According to a recent IDC survey, AI applications is currently the largest category of AI software, accounting for roughly one-half of the market’s overall revenue in 2023.

Simplified End-to-End Development for Production-Ready Data Pipelines, Applications, and ML Models

In today’s world, innovation doesn’t happen in a vacuum; collaboration can help technological breakthroughs happen faster. The rise of AI, for example, will depend on the collaboration between data and development. We’re increasingly seeing software engineering workloads that are deeply intertwined with a strong data foundation.

Announcing Moesif API Analytics and Monetization For

We are thrilled to announce that Moesif now offers full plugin support for! This new integration provides users with advanced API analytics and monetization capabilities, empowering you to gain deeper insights into your API usage and optimize your API strategy. Whether you’re looking to monitor performance, understand user behavior, or implement flexible monetization models, Moesif’s robust feature set is now at your fingertips within the ecosystem.

AnswerThePublic: Unlocking Insights from Search Queries

In the digital age, understanding the pulse of public interest is crucial for web professionals. AnswerThePublic, a cutting-edge search listening tool, has emerged as a vital resource for tapping into the collective inquiries of internet users worldwide. With over 15 years of experience in content strategy, many experts have seen tools come and go, but AnswerThePublic stands out for its ability to transform raw search data into actionable insights.

Scaling Ruby on Rails Using Containerization and Orchestration

After Twitter moved from Ruby to Scala in 2009, the story was born that Ruby on Rails can’t scale. The story goes that it lacks robustness, is a memory hog, and lacks the concurrency features you need to grow an application. This has been the prevailing wisdom for over a decade. And then along came Shopify, showing that, as Lutke says, Ruby on Rails is a framework that can process billions of events per day and evidently does scale. Ruby on Rails is an excellent candidate for scaling.

S1.E5: Test automation uncovered | QA Therapy Podcast

In this episode, we're diving into the realm of test automation ownership, strategy, tooling, and beyond, with our special guest, Toyer Mamoojee, our esteemed QA Therapist. Toyer, a seasoned speaker at testing conferences, is renowned for his expertise in test automation. Did you know that Xray enables you to consolidate results from various testing frameworks into a single, centralized location within Jira? This means your teams can freely select their preferred testing frameworks or tools without sacrificing visibility into the testing process.

Acquisition of Verta's Operational AI Platform Will Transform Cloudera's AI Vision to Reality

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping enterprises across the globe—be it in healthcare, finance, or manufacturing—it’s hard to overstate the transformation that AI has had on businesses, regardless of industry or size. At Cloudera, we recognize the urgent need for bold steps to harness this potential and dramatically accelerate the time to value for AI applications.

How to Identify and Manage Software Testing Risks

As software releases are expected to happen faster, testers are placed under more pressure. Pressure to find and eradicate bugs earlier in the release cycle, to avoid them being costly and delaying release timelines. That said, if companies want to stay ahead of the competition, it's important from the outset their testing processes are free from risks and vulnerabilities. Can automated testing best ensure thorough validation? How can team procedures proactively avoid risk?

5 Reasons You Need to Add Atlas to Microsoft Dynamics

Originally created in the 1890s, the Swiss army knife was a logical solution to officers’ need to be able to repair their weapons, open their canned food, and cut things as needed. Since then, simple items that offer multiple solutions to achieve a goal are often referred to as being the Swiss army knife of their kind.

Introducing Polaris Catalog: An Open Source Catalog for Apache Iceberg

Open source file and table formats have garnered much interest in the data industry because of their potential for interoperability — unlocking the ability for many technologies to safely operate over a single copy of data. Greater interoperability not only reduces the complexity and costs associated with using many tools and processing engines in parallel, but it would also reduce potential risks associated with vendor lock-in.