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Feature Flags and How to Use Them in Software Development

Developing software can be a complex and sometimes chaotic process. You need to create, build, test and debug code quickly, while watching for potential problems down the road. Unfortunately, unless you’re Doctor Strange, you can’t predict the future. There’s no way of telling when clients may ask to add a feature or decide to completely scrap several features. When this happens, you obviously have to make changes to your code.

Getting Started with Flask: A Python Flask Tutorial

Flask is Python’s most popular web application framework. Using Flask, you can establish a strong foundation for a full-stack application, opening up frontiers for a more extensive, feature-rich website and allowing you to exercise full control over serving your web pages and over the internal data flow. At the end of this post, you will know enough to be able to create a basic web application using a Flask server. Let’s get started!

A Complete Guide to Selenium UI testing

The user interface of an application is the first thing a user sees when they hit enter on your web address. For people involved in developing and releasing the website, you just have 50ms to impress the users. Sometimes, it’s just 17ms. With so little time with us and considering that all that time goes into analyzing the UI of the app, it becomes our responsibility to release the website only after testing the UI and its components thoroughly.

SBOM: The Essential Building Block for Cybersecurity

Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) is how companies provide a comprehensive inventory of all the components, libraries, and dependencies used in a software system. This information helps organizations identify potential vulnerabilities and manage the risk of software supply chain attacks. Just as a supply chain document in manufacturing and product development outlines the origin and journey of raw materials and components, a software bill of materials (SBOM) does the same for software components.

End-to-End API Monetization with The Kong Developer Portal, Stripe, and Moesif

Many API developers and companies struggle to find ways to set up systems to monetize their APIs easily. Some are simple but not customizable, and some are complex and require massive engineering effort to get them all running. To make things easier, the Moesif platform includes Billing Meters which gives massive customizability to API monetization efforts with a minimal amount of code and engineering effort.

How Retailers Modernize Operations and Reporting with the Snowflake Retail Data Cloud

A modern data infrastructure is essential for retailers looking to stay competitive today. Companies are abandoning more traditional, on-premises IT infrastructures and moving to more centralized “as a service” (XaaS) models of delivery enabled by cloud technologies, according to McKinsey. Aging on-premises infrastructures are unable to meet demands for agility and innovation, eating up too much time and too many resources for teams trying to maintain them.

Architecture in the Age of APIs

We’re entering an age where many organizations are trying to increase productivity by transforming themselves into digital organizations. Digital organizations are built on top of digital architectures that unlock agility across the enterprise. Agility, which is the ability to respond to changes and new needs fast, enables most of the other advantages such as shorter times to market, better customer experiences, and competitive advantages in the long run.

How Banks are Using Technologies to Help Underserved Communities

Financial inclusion, defined as the availability and accessibility of financial services to underserved communities, is a critical issue facing the banking industry today. According to the World Bank, 1.7 billion adults around the world do not have access to formal financial services, meaning that they cannot open a bank account or access credit, insurance, or other financial products.

How to Build E2E Tests with Cypress & BitBar

Software testing has become increasingly complex thanks to the twin threat of growing complexity and higher user expectations. Fortunately, testing tools continue to evolve, becoming easier to use, more feature-full, and offering better test coverage. Cypress is a prime example of these improvements in end-to-end testing. Let's look at what end-to-end testing involves and how you can use Cypress and BitBar to streamline the process.

Your Go-To Guide to Building CI/CD Pipeline In Azure DevOps

“Good software, like wine, takes time” – Avram Joel Spolsky But do we have that much time? The statement was perfect when SDLC still relied on the waterfall and agile methodologies. But the scenario has drastically changed since then. DevOps is ruling the SDLC world today, and tools supporting the process are everyone’s favorite. And CI/CD is the modern software development practice every DevOps engineer swears by.