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A Platform-Based Future: Fireside Chat With Envoy Creator and Lyft Engineer Matt Klein

Recently, I was fortunate to have an insightful conversation with Matt Klein, Lyft software engineer and creator of Envoy, the popular open-source edge and service proxy for cloud-native applications. Envoy was the third project to graduate from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), following Kubernetes and Prometheus. Before Lyft, Matt held positions at Microsoft, Amazon and Twitter, and served on the oversight committee and board of the CNCF.

Testing Golang with httptest

Go, often referred to as Golang, is a popular programming language built by Google. Its design and structure help you write efficient, reliable, and high-performing programs. Often used for web servers and rest APIs, Go offers the same performance as other low-level languages like C++ while also making sure the language itself is easy to understand with a good development experience.

How to set up usage-based billing with Stripe and Moesif for your API

A good business model is one that can easily generate revenue. Often, when developers build something it could easily be packaged and used by another organization. This is extremely true when it comes to APIs. If an API is solving a well-known problem, there is likely a market for it. Being able to expose an API for public consumption can be done in many ways, a popular option being using an API gateway. The real hurdle comes when you decide to start billing for usage.

From Data to Value: Building a Scalable Data Platform with Google Cloud

At the DataOps Unleashed 2022 conference, Google Cloud’s Head of Product Management for Open Source Data Analytics Abhishek Kashyap discussed how businesses are using Google Cloud to build secure and scalable data platforms. This article summarizes key takeaways from his presentation, Building a Scalable Data Platform with Google Cloud. Data is the fuel that drives informed decision-making and digital transformation.

IPaaS: 3 Ways It Helps You Grow

An integration platform as a service (iPaaS) solution is a set of tools that help businesses integrate applications across environments and formats. While some companies have the resources to handle this integration themselves, an iPaaS solution is often able to handle things more efficiently while bringing in new features (like hands-on support) to ensure the solution is effective and affordable for the business.

Stored Procedures: Native API/Native Code vs SourcePro DB

In the previous article, we walked through an example of how to use input parameter binding to send data to a MySQL database using the native MySQL C API and then compared that to the clean simplicity of using the SourcePro DB API. In this final article, we are going to walk through building an example that can invoke a stored procedure with an input parameter of the name of a new account holder and an output parameter of the new account id assigned by the database.

Hands-On Test Automation: Using Selenium With Python

You just finished creating your web application and want to clean it from any possible bugs, imperfections, and performance issues. But you feel a bit overwhelmed with the choice of testing tools and frameworks and the articles singing their praises. In this article, we will explore using Selenium with Python for test automation.

Sales Compensation in a Consumption Pricing World

Today’s organizations want stronger alignment between the cost of SaaS solutions and the value derived from these products. As a result, many software companies are looking at adopting consumption-based pricing models as an alternative to subscription models. With consumption-based models, customers only pay for what they use, and usage is tied directly to the value customers derive. Of course, consumption means software companies don’t experience revenue until customers use the solution.