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How to Easily Deploy Usage-Based Billing with Moesif and SBT-AWS for SaaS

Are you building a SaaS application on AWS and wrestling with the complexities of implementing usage-based billing? Moesif and Amazon Web Services(AWS) are working together to make it easy for SaaS architects and developers to implement usage-based billing with the SaaS Builder Toolkit for AWS(SBT-AWS). Moesif is a cloud-based solution for usage-based metering and billing. SBT-AWS is an open-source developer toolkit provided by AWS to implement SaaS best practices.

How to Resolve Java.lang Exceptions

Java.lang exceptions are some of the most commonly encountered exceptions in Java programming. As one of the foundational packages in the Java Standard Library, you don't even explicitly import java.lang in your code; it’s automatically imported into every Java program. Thanks to java.lang you get essential classes such as String, Math, and System, among others. You also get a variety of base classes for handling exceptions and errors.

7 Real-Life Business Process Automation Examples to Inspire Your Strategy

Think about the monotonous task of extracting data from sources like spreadsheets and emails and typing it into various systems. Repetitive tasks and manual workflows lurking inside business processes slow down teams, introduce human error, and erode employee engagement. Slow, ineffective processes can also kill an organization’s time to market and customer satisfaction.

3 Ways to Monetize Your Application Data with Embedded Analytics

Data is one of the most valuable commodities an organization has. Every company stores and manages a substantial amount of information. But how do you gain revenue from it? Here, we discuss three ways you can monetize data with an embedded analytics investment.