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Automate Tax Form Data Extraction in 5 Easy Steps

A Smartsheet report found that over 40% of workers spend at least a quarter of their workweek manually extracting data. Tax specialists in many organizations spend hours or even days sorting through piles of paper or PDF documents, looking for relevant information, and entering it into spreadsheets or databases. That’s a lot of time and money wasted on a tedious and error-prone process. Fortunately, there is a better way to handle tax form data extraction.

Exploring Apache Flink 1.19: Features, Improvements, and More

The Apache Flink® community unveiled Apache Flink version 1.19 this week! This release is packed with numerous new features and enhancements. In this blog post, we'll spotlight some of the standout additions. For a comprehensive rundown of all updates, don't forget to review the release notes.

How Intelligent Business Automation Combines AI and Automation

Enterprises looking to increase productivity and optimize business processes are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI). AI can meet these expectations—but only with the right enabling technology. Intelligent automation at scale across the organization can offer a strategic approach to incorporating AI into complex business processes.

Why a Solid Data Foundation Is the Key to Successful Gen AI

Think back just a few years ago when most enterprises were either planning or just getting started on their cloud journeys. The pandemic hit and, virtually overnight, the need to radically change ways of working pushed those cloud journeys into overdrive. Cost-effective adaptability was essential. And the companies that could scale up or scale down quickly were the ones that navigated the pandemic successfully. Migrating to the cloud made that possible.

What Can AI Do for Business? 5 AI-Centric Benefits

In just a few months, enterprise AI has rapidly evolved into a strategic partner for organizations that want to stay ahead of the disruption curve. Whether enterprises are leveraging predictive analytics for strategic decision-making, using machine learning algorithms for supply chain optimization, or applying generative AI and large language models to enhance customer service, it’s clear AI will help business in many ways.

AI in Banking: 5 Impacts Artificial Intelligence Will Have on the Industry by 2025

The potential impact of AI in banking appears boundless. A 2023 McKinsey report found that effectively incorporating generative AI tools into business operations could lead to annual operational savings ranging from $200 billion to $340 billion for the global financial services industry. These cutting-edge technologies can also enhance customer satisfaction, attract more potential customers, and improve employee experience.

Decoding the Roles: API Gateway vs Load Balancer

Are you looking to streamline your network traffic but puzzled over whether an API gateway or a load balancer fits your needs? An API gateway centralizes and manages access to your APIs, while a load balancer efficiently distributes incoming traffic across multiple servers. This guide will directly compare api gateway vs load balancer, delineating their strengths to inform your network strategy.

What Is Data Reporting and How to Create Data Reports for Your Business

According to Gartner’s prediction, 90% of organizations will consider information the most valuable asset a business may have. And where does this information come from? Here’s a magic word – data. Even though many companies report making important decisions based on their gut feeling, 85% of them would like to improve the ways they use data insights to make business decisions.

Choreo's Managed Authentication for Single-Page Web Applications

Authentication and authorization play crucial roles in modern application development. Over the years, the way we implement these security measures has evolved, with protocols like OAuth2/OpenID Connect now being widely used. While web applications can manually implement these protocols, it requires a certain level of expertise. Moreover, when it comes to single-page applications (SPAs), additional measures are necessary to securely manage security tokens on the application side.