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Mastering Javascript Arrays: The Definitive Guide

Data is essential to all JavaScript applications. It determine what we see, hear and interact with when we open the app, and it must be stored properly to guarantee a smooth user experience. Specifically, the data must be a stored in a way that facilitates retrieval, manipulation and is efficient in storage usage. need data to represent information. One of the most important prominent data structures in JavaScript is known as an Array.

50+ QA Interview Questions And Answers [Updated 2023]

Interviews are anxiety-inducing, and nothing can better boost your confidence than some solid knowledge preparation before you enter the interview room. Here are top 50+ QA interview questions and answers for you to review your knowledge in Quality Assurance and the testing process. We have categorized these QA interview questions by difficulty level, question types, and even positions (QA manager, QA lead, and QA tester).

Tips for Creating Test Management for Jira

Your company needs to deliver the best product possible. And to do that, you need to test, test, and test some more. But many organizations lack the tools to manage testing properly. This is a particularly common issue for the many teams who use Jira to track issues throughout the development process. That’s because Jira doesn’t have built-in testing functionality. So, for organizations who haven’t added testing tools, test cases are managed manually, and often tracked in a spreadsheet.

What Is a Hyperautomation Platform? 6 Factors to Look For

Hyperautomation refers to the use of multiple advanced automation technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotic process automation (RPA), machine learning (ML), low-code, and business process management tools to accomplish end-to-end process automation. Rather than automating a single task, hyperautomation lets you automate multiple tasks within a wider process (and pass work easily between humans and digital workers).

How does DevOps influence Digital Transformation?

Today’s world has become undeniably digital. New technologies from social media to LIVE GPS systems and AI machines, make the world unrecognizable from even 20 years ago. If you’re feeling uncertain at the speed of change, hold tight. It’s only going to get faster. The pace at which disruptive technologies are arriving is accelerating – and they’re changing how businesses are flourishing.

Mind Maps: Excellent Tool to Aid Testing Thought Process

Are you someone who has heard of mind maps and always wondered what it is? You tried your hand at one and couldn’t figure out how to apply it to your context. You have arrived at the right spot. This article intends to dive deep into mind maps and demonstrate how to use them for software testing. So, free your mind and enjoy the ride. Let us start with the fundamentals: “What is a mind map”. A mind map is a visual representation of an idea.

Accessibility Facts You Probably Know

I began learning about accessibility as part of the first digital project I worked on. I found the subject fascinating and decided to keep on learning as my small way of making the world a little better for people. One of the main things that struck me, in the beginning, was that a lot of the things I was learning I sort of already knew, I’d just not invested any time really thinking about it.