Backcountry, the specialty retailer of premium outdoor gear and apparel, shares key lessons on using a modern data stack to overcome data silos, complexities with legacy systems and improve its customer experience.
Data plays a profound role in finance. In fact, some might argue that finance professionals are some of the most data-driven individuals in an organization. That’s because finance data, and the insights you draw from it, can literally make or break a company. This is especially true in times of economic uncertainty, when businesses are trying to make data-driven decisions about where to invest and cut resource allocation.
JavaScript is an Object Oriented Programming language. At least—it can be! Check out this article about how to use Object Oriented Programming concepts to structure your JavaScript code.
Eventarc - Use Cloud Run to react to events about changes in the provisioned cloud resources.
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is a financial service based on ledgers, just like the ones used by cryptocurrencies. In the U.S., DeFi technology challenges the current centralized finance system by empowering individuals to manage their own financial exchanges via a crypto wallet. Because decentralized finance eliminates fees from banks or other financial institutions, anyone with an internet connection can use DeFi.
Today, we are glad to share that you can interact with your Koyeb resources in your infrastructure using Pulumi. Pulumi is a modern infrastructure as code platform that allows you to define, deploy, and manage cloud infrastructure on any cloud using your favorite programming languages.
Katalon executives and researchers gathered recently to discuss the major trends reshaping the software testing industry. From the transformation of the role of software testers to the greater deployment of AI in testing, Katalon staff discussed the expectations of business leadership, software engineers, consumers, and testers. Here are some of the sweeping themes Katalon sees emerging in the new year.