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Top 10 Linux Distros in 2023

‌‌Linux is a free and open-source Unix-based operating system. As a result of Linux's security and flexibility, its use is gaining a great deal of attention these days. A Linux distro is an operating system that relies on the Linux kernel.‌‌ A Linux server or high-end cloud device might be used on a desktop computer or laptop, but on a personal computer or laptop, it can be difficult to use. However, times have changed since then.

Add Katalon Visual Testing To Your Robot Framework Automations

Robot Automation Framework is a popular open source test automation tool employed by software teams. Katalon’s Robot Framework Integration enables software teams using Robot Framework for test automation to tap into Katalon’s powerful AI enabled Visual Testing capabilities to level up their software quality and release readiness protocols.

9 Major Reasons for Mobile App Failure and How to Avoid Them

Are you thinking about launching a mobile app? If so, it’s important to know that not all mobile apps are successful. Many mobile apps fail shortly after their launch for various reasons. Mobile apps have become an integral part of our daily lives, allowing us to stay connected, stay organized, and get things done more efficiently. However, not all mobile apps are successful. Many mobile apps fail shortly after their launch for various reasons.

Interview With Italo José Core committer at @herbsjs

We are thrilled to be part of developing powerful tools like N|Solid. We are immensely proud of our engineers who have dedicated their time and expertise to support the open-source ecosystem. This is our way of giving voice and visibility to the projects they are passionate about. We want to recognize Italo José's work with Herb.js on this occasion.

Analyzing Maven and Jenkins: Knowing the Best of the CI Tools

CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery. It is an automated process of integrating code from multiple developers, testing it quickly and continuously, and delivering it to customers on demand. It is part of modern software development techniques which keep track of all the changes made by different developers and helps prevent breaking changes from being deployed.

Building realtime infrastructure: Costs and challenges

Realtime digital experiences are in high demand. They keep users engaged, informed, and entertained in a fast-paced digital world, and they allow businesses to better serve their customers, provide more efficient and effective services, and gain the upper hand over competitors. This is the second post in a series that looks at what it takes to build and deliver realtime experiences for end-users.

How to Identify and Troubleshoot Issues in Your Electron App

As developers, it’s easy to get fixated on the mobile sphere. We’re now spending 4-5 hours a day browsing apps on our phone (that’s over 1,800 hours a year), which means a huge volume of demand is channelling into Android and iOS projects. But desktop apps are booming too.

Comparing LoadRunner VS k6

At k6, we get frequent requests to compare k6 vs. LoadRunner, and since I am an experienced user with LoadRunner (even certified), I will try to put both tools head to head. But comparing these tools is difficult as their components do not match 1:1. Each is a robust ecosystem with different parts, some doing multiple things that make straight comparisons more complicated. And on top of that, we constantly get new features that match up with many other components.