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From the Ground Up: The Truth About Data Innovation

Data holds incredible untapped potential for Australian organisations across industries, regardless of individual business goals, and all organisations are at different points in their data transformation journey with some achieving success faster than others. To be successful, the use of data insights must become a central lifeforce throughout an organisation and not just reside within the confines of the IT team. More importantly, effective data strategies don’t stand still.

Making Sense of Data Quality Amongst Current Seasonality & Uncertainty

When providing the data to support marketing, it's important to frame and validate its quality based on whether it meets "the six C’s." In our conversation with Christopher Penn, Co-Founder and Chief Data Scientist at, we discuss questions many in the industry are asking today.

20 Best Sources for WordPress Themes (Free & Paid)

WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS) that needs no introduction. The free, open-source platform allows users to create and manage websites without requiring the knowledge of code. We’re sure as experienced web designers and web developers, you’re already well versed with WP’s benefits and capabilities, and hence, we won’t dive too deep into that.

5 Cypress Alternatives for Faster Testing and Better Coverage

Many QA teams choose for creating automated software tests because it executes tests directly inside the browser (which solves some of the most frustrating timing issues that are common with Selenium). However, many teams end up looking for Cypress alternatives because it still has a few major downsides: In this post, we’ll discuss these downsides in more detail and show how our tool—Rainforest QA—solves these issues.

Issues with Apple silicon and snapshot/golden testing

While the prospect of getting much faster build times with the Apple silicon (aka M1) processors seems very exciting, you may face issues that stem from the architectural differences between arm64 and x86. One of these issues is related to snapshot testing or golden testing on Flutter. You are not alone in this, as it’s a widespread issue in which snapshots generated on an Intel machine fail on Apple silicon machines — and vice versa.

The New Breed: How to Think About Robots

You’ve heard the saying “if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life,” right? Well, I hate to say it, but that’s me. I never dreamed that I would wind up in a field that combined all of my interests, but somehow that happened. Through my research at the MIT Media Lab I get to apply my legal and social sciences background to human-robot interaction. Which yes, does mean that I mostly get to play with robots all day.

Klocwork 2022.1 Launches Kotlin Analysis Engine

A key component of the latest release of Klocwork is the launch of the Kotlin analysis engine, which greatly enhances the static analysis and SAST tool’s offerings. In addition, the release includes a number of other significant improvements that greatly enhance the tool’s performance and functionality. Here, we provide an overview of the new analysis engine.

Five Myths of Kubernetes

The December 2021 report from the CNCF showed that 5.6 million developers use Kubernetes today. We adopted Kubernetes a little over three years ago and felt this is a good time to reflect on what we thought we were getting into and what we have actually experienced. Here are five areas where the prevailing wisdom did not match our expectations.