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The 4 main factors to consider as part of your test automation strategy

We recently talked to Angie Jones in a podcast episode dedicated to best practices in software testing. In this article, drawing on our previous discussion, we’ll share her thoughts about the main factors to consider to build a comprehensive test automation strategy.

How to Resolve the NoSuchFieldError in Java

The NoSuchFieldError is an error in Java that occurs when a specified field does not exist. It is thrown when an application attempts to access or modify a field of an object or a static field of a class but the object or class no longer contains that field. The NoSuchFieldError only occurs during runtime if the definition of a class has changed incompatibly. Since it is thrown at runtime, it does not need to be declared in the throws clause of a method or constructor.

Startup Program From Moesif Improves Developer Journey

Interested in taking your product to the next stage of growth but have missing metrics? We understand that as a startup, companies are laser focused on getting their product out the door. Founding teams today don’t want to (or need to) create their own user management, billing, or other analytics tools. By forging partnerships with best-in-breed providers, startups can take advantage of these analytical tools without wasting engineering manpower to create in-house toolkits.

Version Control for Binary Files: Your Best Options

A lot of teams are starting to look for version control for binary files. As more teams adopt game engine technology, they produce more art assets, builds, and other files that they need to store and track. A lot of version control tools simply don’t do a good job with versioning or storing large binary files, like game engine files. Managing these files efficiently becomes a serious issue the more a team and their projects grow. You need the right version control for large binary files.

Digital Marketing Automation 2022 | Context, Examples, Challenges

The explosion of marketing technology (martech) has been one of the main drivers of marketing’s evolution over the last decade. Just compare: The Chief Marketing Technologist blog has been tracking the industry’s growth for ten years and when it first released its yearly marketing technology landscape overview in 2008, the chart contained roughly 150 tools.

What Is the Difference Between AWS Redshift and RDS?

AWS Redshift and RDS are two different database products that AWS offers. If you're not sure which one is right for you, there are a few essential questions to answer before making your decision. This article will explore the differences between these two products and help determine which one would be best for your needs. We'll also take a look at how much it costs to use each product so that you can compare them side-by-side and see what's most affordable for your business.

Trends for 2022: How is data management evolving?

We all know the world is changing in profound ways. In the last few years, we’ve seen businesses, teams, and people all adapting — showing incredible resilience to keep moving forward despite the headwinds. To shed some light on what to expect in 2022 and beyond, let’s look at five major trends with regard to data. We’ve been watching these particular data trends since before the pandemic and seen them gain steam across sectors in the post-pandemic world.

Cut Your Error Resolution Time In Half With Mobile Crash And Error Reporting

Fixing mobile software errors is a collaborative effort. Errors and crashes will be identified throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC) by QA, testers, customer support, or users themselves. Unfortunately, there is often a time lag and loss of information as these errors get routed to the programmers who can further triage and resolve.

Top Web Design Tools to Enhance User Experience in 2022

What’s the most crucial part of building a website? Of course, you need to create a stunning user interface (UI) that grabs and retains the attention of new visitors. Also, you need to publish a diverse array of high-quality content to establish your website’s authority and credibility. Then there’s the aspect of brainstorming new marketing strategies to drive organic traffic to your website.

Some websites are just too slow...

Have you ever entered a website and realized how slow things move, you just click a button and you have time to do something else until the requested action is finished. Sometimes I enter on this kind of websites with the idea to purchase their product or service, but when the things move so slow, I start to ask myself, do I really wanna purchase this or shall I find another competitor or website offering the same product.