Getting started with creating a Bitrise Step
This article is a hands-on guide for creating, testing, and auditing an open-source integration Step and submitting it to the Bitrise Step Library.
This article is a hands-on guide for creating, testing, and auditing an open-source integration Step and submitting it to the Bitrise Step Library.
As we recently discussed, many of us are still lost in the darkness, grasping for a log line to shed some light on the issue we are trying to troubleshoot. Many of our customers and colleagues have shared the following challenges with us: But what if we didn’t have to make such a choice? What if we could easily and efficiently switch on exactly the logs we needed, without hurting our application?
To meet the ever-increasing demand for new video games, teams need to move faster than ever. Keeping up with releases and producing new game assets can be challenging, even for the largest studios. To accelerate development without sacrificing quality, many teams look to past projects, and their corresponding game assets. Game asset recycling saves time, allowing coders and creatives to innovate using existing materials. But how can you share game assets across teams and projects? Learn how.
When you hear buzz words such as ‘Automation’, ‘Low-code’, ‘RPA’, or ‘Hyperautomation’, you may think it’s only reserved for the big-wigs or billion-dollar enterprises. Well, think again! If there’s one thing the last year has taught us, it’s the need to innovate, adapt, and rapidly conform to the changing landscape among organizations of all sizes in order to survive the turbulent climate.
CPG executives invest billions of dollars in trade and consumer promotion investments every year, spending as much as 15-20% of their total annual revenues on these initiatives. However, studies show that less than 72% of these promotions don’t break even and 59% of them fail. Despite these troubling statistics, most CPG organizations continue to design and execute essentially the same promotions year after year with negligible hope of obtaining sustained ROI.
Ransomware has become a familiar front page news topic thanks to recent high-profile attacks against a major meat producer and an East Coast operator of a critical oil pipeline. Also, consider the attack on a provider of software tools to IT outsourcing shops that let hackers paralyze hundreds of businesses on all five continents. No doubt the ransomware threat is serious, and now Washington is mobilizing to wipe out a scourge it formerly treated only as a criminal nuisance.
It’s been a while since the digital era took off. But with the onset of the pandemic when businesses and industries had to move to online platforms, the need for it became extremely evident. Be it for marketing purposes or selling products and services, today, every business makes use of online channels, and understands the importance of a strong social media presence. But conducting extensive campaigns are tedious and can burn a hole through your wallet.
Dynatrace is a cloud monitoring platform and is used by many organisations to measure the performance of their production systems and to set thresholds against which performance tolerance are measured. During testing Dynatrace can be used to monitor how the application under test responds during your performance tests as well as providing the capability to drill down into performance issues you may need to investigate.