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How to Monitor API Usage and Performance with the Moesif Plugin for AWS API Gateway

API gateways provide a central point to govern and control access to your APIs, enabling customers and partners to quickly create new experiences. Amazon API Gateway has native support for a variety of compute resources like AWS Lambda or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

Integration testing of your Android with Testsigma

Most of the applications being developed today have complex requirements. Hence, they need to be tested thoroughly and for each use-case, before they are ready to be deployed in the production server. We all know how important it is to perform unit testing on separate modules or “units of codes”.

The Key Metrics That Fintech Product Managers Can't Live Without

If each product is a world in its own, each industry in which that product -or service, for that matter- is deployed, is a universe. A seemingly chaotic universe full of data coming from every direction and angle that you, the product manager, need to catch, analyze, and funnel into your every day. If this does not sound easy, it is because it is not!

Picking up the pieces of your monolith breakdown

A decade ago, all developers could talk about was breaking down the monolith and event-driven architectures. Especially in the financial services industry, to become more nimble and accelerate their application delivery. They leveraged messaging systems to decouple the application, and specifically Apache Kafka has transitioned from being a data integration technology to the leading messaging system for microservices.

C++ Microservices in Docker

Microservices have become a popular way to architect applications, particularly those that compose functionality from a variety of loosely coupled systems and services. While there are a variety of frameworks and tools for implementing a microservice architecture, it isn’t always clear how to expose native code like C or C++ code within a wider microservice system. That’s where HydraExpress comes in.

What the Months Ahead Look Like for Insurance

Insurers, reinsurers and intermediaries are under pressure to adapt to new customer expectations. Insurtechs have made omnichannel digital experiences the norm. And COVID-19 has forced the issue further, on top of necessary operational and claims process changes. Digital transformation is no longer a buzzword or something that can fix just one area of an insurance organization.