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IoT Data Integration: Challenges and Solutions

The adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices continues rapidly. When you look at what businesses gain from their IoT implementations, it's easy to see why. IoT enhances an organization's operational efficiency by monitoring or automating key business processes. Maintenance, manufacturing, and supply chain have all been revolutionized by IoT. The wealth of data generated by IoT devices bolster business intelligence and data analytics. And that leads to a better understanding of the customer experience.

How to Build QA at Scale Through Device Architecture

Let’s start with some absolutes. Maintaining a steady CI/CD pipeline is crucial to modern software development. Testing and quality engineering principles that drive solid deliverables should be flexible and agile. QA teams need hundreds of device and O/S combinations. With those non-negotiables in mind, how would you implement a flexible device architecture to support ongoing and evolving needs to assess mobile and web applications?

How Data Governance Frameworks Benefit from Data Fabric

The value of data is no longer debatable. But the secret to unlocking that value still evades many organizations. Only 44% of data and analytics leaders think their teams are effective in providing value, according to a new Gartner® survey. And business users are still struggling, too, citing accessibility issues and complexity as barriers to data use. Combine this with low executive confidence in data, and it’s clear that data challenges are ubiquitous.

How to Analyze Price Movements using Yellowfin Candlestick Charts

In this blog, the team at Yellowfin Japan demonstrates how to take advantage of Yellowfin's data visualization capability in the form of Yellowfin Candlestick charts, also called keystrokes, specialized for analyzing price movements of stocks and bonds. We will utilize these charts to analyze price movements of stocks. So, what is a Candlestick Chart, and what does it look like in Yellowfin? Blog Contents hide Candlestick Chart Overview and Analysis Examples What is a Candlestick?

ASP.NET Razor Pages vs MVC: How Do Razor Pages Fit in Your Toolbox?

As part of the release of.NET Core 2.0, there are also some updates to ASP.NET. Among these is the addition of a new web framework for creating a “page” without the full complexity of ASP.NET MVC. New Razor Pages are a slimmer version of the MVC framework and, in some ways, an evolution of the old “.aspx” WebForms. In this article, we are going to delve into some of the finer points of using ASP.NET Razor Pages versus MVC.

Is GitHub Safe?

Nearly every developer uses Git at some point. It is taught at most universities and widely available for anyone to use. This makes hosting solutions like GitHub a natural choice for many users, especially students, small teams, and anyone working with open source software. With so many people turning to GitHub to manage their projects, it raises an important question: Is GitHub safe?

How to Set Up Flutter Code Push With Shorebird and Codemagic

Mobile developers using Javascript-based mobile application development platforms such as Cordova, Ionic and React Native have enjoyed the benefit of being able to push app updates over-the-air without resubmitting their apps to the App Store or Google Play for quite some time. As long as the updates are not compiled code, and don’t change the primary purpose of the application then both Apple and Google allow this.

A Deep Dive into Subscriptions with Absinthe

In this series, we've seen how to create GraphQL APIs in Elixir using Absinthe. So far, we have only discussed a one-way communication channel where the client makes the queries or mutations, and the server responds. GraphQL also supports a long-running subscription between the client and the server where the server can notify the client of events. This can be very useful in multi-user scenarios where many users might interact with the same resource at the same time.