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Selenium Disadvantages: Why QA Teams Are Going Codeless

Selenium is the oldest and most well-recognized automated testing tool for web apps, so a lot of software teams try it out when they first experiment with automated testing. But most teams quickly run into three Selenium disadvantages: Because of these challenges, many software companies that use Selenium find testing to be a huge drain on time, effort, and resources. That’s why we designed Rainforest QA—to solve the limitations of Selenium and make QA easy to scale and maintain.

The endless capabilities of Storybook

As a developer, I am a massive fan of documentation and (as you can probably tell from my previous blog post) also a big fan of Storybook. If you’re interested in what Storybook is and how to set it up, or integrate it into your existing project, you can find out more about that here. However, in this post, I am going to be outlining why you should be using Storybook and each of its features and capabilities.

Networking, Mentorship and the Value of Conferences

Hello to the Testhouse family! This is what I hope will be the first in a series of blog posts aimed at sharing insights into things I have learned or experienced in my career in testing to date. If you find anything that sparks your interest, or have follow up questions, then please do let me know. This first blog is about mentorship, conferences, and the value of networking; I hope you find taking a few minutes to read this will be time well spent!

What Does Embedded BI Really Mean? OEM Reporting Tools Defined

More people are looking for more efficient BI products to integrate into their applications in 2022, and want to know exactly what embedded BI solutions mean for their users. This article will define embedded BI, explain its growth in popularity among software users, and why we suggest Yellowfin as your embedded BI solution for better analytics.

Introducing WSO2 API Manager 4.1

We’re excited to announce that WSO2 API Manager 4.1—a complete platform for building, integrating, and exposing digital services as managed APIs in any environment—is now available. This release improves productivity in development and operations, expands support for different protocols and third-party technologies, and completes the product’s analytics story.

How to implement GraphQL with Flutter + GraphQL example

Have you ever faced the task of implementing a REST API and had to call multiple endpoints to populate data for a single screen? You probably wished you had more control over the data returned by the endpoint so that you could fetch more data with a single endpoint call or have only the necessary data fields returned by the call. Follow along to see how you can achieve this with GraphQL. In this article, we’ll be implementing GraphQL in an existing codebase.

Alexa for Bitrise CI/CD: Introduction to serverless with AWS Lambda and Bitrise API - Part 1

In this tutorial, we will share some hands-on experience on how to use the AWS Lambda, learn to design and build a Serverless function to trigger Bitrise builds with Bitrise API via the custom Lambda function.