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How to speed up your software release cycles with Testsigma

As software organizations have to release or add new features in their software on a regular basis, proper and thorough testing of all the features on time becomes a real challenge. Automation becomes a viable option to overcome these challenges. But most of the automation tools usually take a lot of time and effort in test creation, test execution, and test maintenance which brings down the ROI.

5 Architectural Patterns for Securing Connectivity at Scale

In the age of surgical robots, smart refrigerators, self-driving vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles, connectivity undoubtedly is a foundational block for our modern world. Connectivity not only enables easy access to resources, but it also opens up opportunities to drive innovation by connecting isolated systems. Connectivity drives digital transformation.

Gen2: The next generation of Bitrise Build Infrastructure with improved performance, stability, and security

We're introducing the brand new Bitrise Gen2 Build Infrastructure that is running fully on macOS, with the macOS-based hypervisor, cloud-scale orchestration, and enterprise-level security.

What is Git Checkout Remote Branch? Benefits, Best Practices & More

Git is a terrific tool that many developers use to keep track of their projects’ versions. Despite the fact that there are many different version control systems, git is by far the most used. The focus on distributed development and the ease with which branches can be used for good reasons. A branch is a simple approach of departing from the main development flow. It's typically used in a branch to add a new feature or correct an issue.

Creating a Software Bill of Materials

Earlier this year, the White House issued an Executive Order on cybersecurity that set out to establish new security requirements for software vendors that sell software to the U.S. government. One such requirement is that vendors provide a software bill of materials (SBOM) as part of the federal procurement process. In this blog, we break down what a software bill of materials is, why it is important, and provide SBOM examples.

Performance Tool k6 Acquired by Grafana Labs

There was a big announcement this year at GrafanaCon 2021 that performance testing tool k6 is being aquired by Grafana Labs. It was really exciting news for folks who cheer for open source because these are two giant projects. At time of this writing, k6 has over 12K stars and Grafana with a respectable 42K stars on Github as well. In full transparency, I have used both of those repos many times over the years and am a fellow stargazer.

What Defines an Automation Leader in Financial Services and How Do You Compare?

Banking and asset management are advancing into a new era of automation, where human talents, bots, and AI are seamlessly and flexibly unified into cohesive, hyper-efficient workflows. This creates an avalanche of new opportunities for innovation, value-creation, and improved profitability. In light of this need for digital transformation, Appian commissioned a study through the Financial Times' research arm, Longitude, to gain actionable insights on automation.

Data Privacy: Are You Making These Mistakes?

Organizations have access to massive amounts of data, but they don’t always give enough thought to how they’re going to keep it private and protected. Dozens of data privacy regulations are in effect or in development globally, and the average consumer is learning more about how much of their data gets collected and used by businesses. For this reason, companies need to focus on keeping data safe while it's under their control, but it’s easy to make mistakes.

Prescriptive Analytics

Data analytics technology helps organizations make sense of an ever-increasing volume of data. As this technology matures, it gets better at delivering actionable insights and helping companies determine outcomes. Prescriptive analytics is a modern solution that builds upon other analytics technology and guides organizations to the right decisions for a particular situation.