Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Easier administration and management of BigQuery with Resource Charts and Slot Estimator

As customers grow their analytical workloads and footprint on BigQuery, their monitoring and management requirements evolve - they want to be able to manage their environments at scale, take action in context. They also desire capacity management capabilities to optimize their BigQuery environments. With our BigQuery Administrator Hub capabilities, customers can now better manage BigQuery at scale.

API Automation: What You Need to Know

IT automation is an essential business best practice that has enabled countless organizations to become more efficient. According to a survey by Salesforce, 95 percent of executives and directors see the value of automation, and 88 percent want to pursue automation as a key investment for their business. This general tenet holds for the specific case of API automation as well. APIs are a highly underrated, yet critical, technology that underpins the modern digital ecosystem.

Take control of your data with Stitch Unlimited

Without data, your business cannot survive. You need it to understand your customers, to inform your product development, and to plan the future of your company. So why would you tolerate technology that artificially throttles access to your own data and stunts your company’s growth? It just doesn't make sense. That’s why Talend is bringing you Stitch Unlimited and Stitch Unlimited Plus.

5 Tips for Pushing Data from Your Warehouse to PeopleSoft

PeopleSoft is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software platform that is intended for medium-sized to large businesses. Originally designed for human resources and finance applications, PeopleSoft can now help organizations with tasks such as human capital management (HCM), financial management, supply chain management, and enterprise service automation.