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How Indeed Perfects Automation Without Sacrificing Quality

"Push on green" isn’t about rushing code to production—it’s about smart automation. @David Morgenthaler breaks down how @Indeed balances automation with the need for human oversight: Watch the latest episode of Test Case Scenario to understand why automation and human expertise have to go hand-in-hand for quality software development.

How to Fix TypeError: Cannot Read Property of Undefined in JavaScript

Imagine you're at a buffet, eagerly approaching what you think is the dessert table, only to find an empty space where the chocolate cake should be. That disappointing moment? That's pretty much what happens in your code when you encounter the infamous "Cannot read properties of undefined" error. Just as you can't slice a piece of cake that isn't there, JavaScript can't read a property of an object that doesn't exist. But don't worry!

Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management: 4 benefits of improving logistics

From sourcing raw materials to delivering finished goods, the pharmaceutical supply chain involves many complex steps, each of which must be carefully managed to maintain product safety and compliance with strict regulations. Improving logistics processes helps ensure speed and quality across the supply chain, leading to better outcomes for both the industry and patients alike.

Run faster builds and deliver best-in-class apps with M2 Pro machines

Introducing M2 Pro machine types— the latest addition to Bitrise's Apple Silicon offering. Choosing the right Apple Silicon Machine is essential to delivering value to customers when developing, releasing, and managing iOS apps. We are proud to be one of the first companies to offer our customers access to the latest and greatest machine, the M2 Pro.

Real-Time Insurance Claims Processing With Confluent

The insurance industry has undergone a massive transformation over the last 20-30 years. Customer service and business processes that were once done on paper or over the phone are now completed via web and mobile experiences. As a result, manual paperwork and tasks have gradually become automated via software solutions. For the insurance customer, this transition has led to faster and more predictable experiences.

Digital Transformation in Healthcare: Bane or a Boon?

What exactly comes to your mind when we say ‘Digital Advancements’? What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word? Is it cloud technology? Digital transformation? Gen-AI? Blockchain? Or everything that caters to Digital Transformation as a whole? We know that the last sentence is the one you’ll prefer. But has it ever come across your mind why digital transformation solutions are taking all the limelight from different industries?


ORIL is a software development and design company that enables companies in Real Estate, FinTech, Transportation and Automotive, and more to deliver intuitive, user-friendly digital products.

Java Heap Space error and how Codemagic helps to remediate it

Overcoming issues related to Java Heap Space while building Android projects can be quite challenging and frustrating. Understanding the concept of heap memory in Java is crucial, as well as being aware of the available solutions. This article will provide a brief explanation of the reasons behind the occurrence of the Java Heap Space issue and present Codemagic’s recommended solutions for addressing it.

Integration Testing: Types, Processes, Examples & More

In the software testing life cycle, integration testing represents a pivotal phase in which each integration point is tested in the system. After thoroughly testing each unit and component individually, the next stage focuses on validating how these elements interact and integrate as a cohesive system. This phase, known as integration testing, ensures that all components work together and meet the overall system requirements.

Comprehensive Guide to Connecting Excel to Google BigQuery

Google BigQuery is a robust, serverless, and highly scalable data warehouse that allows businesses to analyze massive datasets in real-time. For data professionals working in mid-market companies, the ability to connect Excel to BigQuery opens up new possibilities for combining the advanced data manipulation capabilities of Excel with the powerful analytics engine of BigQuery to pass to downstream applications like Tableau or Power BI.