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Why Collective Testing Holds the Key to Enhanced Quality

Collective (adj): done by people acting as a group. Collective (noun) a cooperative enterprise. What do these definitions tell us about collective testing? In its most basic form, it is a practice where individuals come together to test products, software, or ideas. Beyond that, collective testing is a powerful tool that not only improves the quality of what’s being tested but also fosters a sense of community and shared purpose.

Streamlining COBRA Eligibility Data Management with

How much time does your company spend manually preparing file data? Imagine a world where managing COBRA eligibility data is as simple as a few clicks, where files in myriad formats seamlessly transform into a standardized, compliant structure without hours of manual labor. For companies and consultancies managing employee benefits, standardizing and processing data files is a critical, yet challenging task.

Improving Code Quality And Accelerating Development: The Continuous Testing Way

In the fast-changing world of software development, teams struggle to maintain good code quality while shortening development schedules. Continuous Testing (CT) in CI/CD pipelines stands out as a powerful strategy. It allows teams to weave testing directly into their development workflow, offering quick feedback and stronger quality assurance.

JMeter ForEach Controller

Among the many elements JMeter offers for creating test scenarios, the ForEach loop stands out as an efficient way of browsing and processing data. The ForEach loop in JMeter is a controller that allows you to cycle through the elements of a list or variable, executing the test samples included in the loop for each element iteratively. This is particularly useful when you need to perform tests with dynamic data, or when you want to repeat a sequence of samples for different values.

Integrating iOS Push Notifications Using Swift

Push notifications play a vital role in user engagement and retention, keeping users up to date and creating a sense of FOMO that leads to purchases. And in iOS, we get the added benefit of Apple’s Push Notification Service (APNs). which acts as a middleman between the app server and the user’s device, facilitating the delivery of push notifications even if the app is not active or the user is checking another of their apps.