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Online Meetup: Controlling your Kong Gateway with decK and CI/CD

In this session, DevRel Director Micheal Heap will show you Kong’s declarative configuration capabilities and how to use your CI system to lint and apply these configurations in a variety of environments. Test your changes in a staging environment, then apply exactly the same config to production with a click of a button.

7 benefits of using a Test Management App vs. Excel

In today's competitive market, you can’t afford to risk poor product quality and software failures. Unfortunately, many companies still use outdated methods to manage their tests like Excel, Word, Google Sheets, or other spreadsheet tools. Without a proper test management app, your quality suffers and testing remains archaic and at the most basic level, tracking and logging tests.

RPA vs. DPA: The Differences and Similarities Between Digital and Robotic Process Automation

Software-based automation is a relatively young concept that’s rapidly gaining popularity—as reflected by the veritable explosion of software as a service (SaaS) offerings in the last decade. Gartnre® estimates, “software as a service (SaaS) remains the largest market segment and is forecast to grow to $117.7 billion in 2021, application infrastructure services (PaaS) is anticipated to grow by a higher margin at 26.6%”.

5 Tips for Pushing Data from Your Warehouse to Marketo

Nurturing your customer prospects is a crucial task to increase your conversion rates—so how can you make sure that valuable leads don’t fall through the cracks? That’s exactly where software like Marketo comes in. Marketo is a marketing automation tool to help standardize and automate your marketing funnel, helping push your prospects along the buyer’s journey from awareness to acquisition.

5 Common Mistakes When Developing APIs

An API essentially paly the role of a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. Every time you use an application like Facebook, send an instant message, or check the weather on your phone, you are using an API. The API is more than middleware however — it’s grown into an innovative business concept that can transform your business and digital strategy. When using APIs though, there are a variety of mistakes that developers can make.

A Beginner's Guide to Microservices

Microservices are a style of architecture used by many organizations for software development. In the past, the IT industry used monolithic or service-oriented architecture (SOA) solutions as the standard. However, the lack of dynamic scalability of this type of architectural system is no longer adequate for the increasing complexity of today’s infrastructures. Microservices addresses this by providing a highly agile and scalable alternative.