Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Is low-code viable for developers? - LowCodeCon 2022 Talk

This was a talk given by Shantoie Vorster at LowCodeCon 2022. We ask if low-code tools are viable for developers, especially in an enterprise environment. Shantoie tells about his experiences developing enterprise systems using low-code tools. These applications range from critical business processes, ETLs, APIs and more. The talk also includes a small demo of Linx to showcase the platform's potential in the hands of a developer.

Beyond the API Gateway - Kong's Product Vision & Strategy: VP, Product, Reza Shafii, Kong Summit 22

Beyond the API Gateway- Kong's Product Vision and Strategy API Management as it was once known is dead. Kong's Vice President of Product Reza Shafii talks through the evolutions of monoliths to microservices and beyond, the birth of Kong, as well as the growth and future of Kong in his Kong Summit 2022 keynote. Learn about the Kong suite of products, how businesses can better supporting their dev ops functions, catch a recap of a live demo of Kong Insomnia and more.

Building your Cloud Nervous System: Kong CEO and Co-Founder, Augusto Marietti, Kong Summit 2022

APIs are the building blocks of modern applications. They have become the neural network of the cloud. Behind every interface, millions of APIs power the experience. Watch Kong's Chief Executive Officers and Co-Founder, August Marietti's recorded Kong Summit 2022 keynote to understand how APIs have transformed over the last 10 years, and what's on the horizon for Kong. Dive into product demos from Kong experts, and hear first hand insights on case studies from Kong Enterprise customers.

Building an API vision to transform your business: Kong CTO, Co-Founder Marco Palladino, Kong Summit

Kong began as concept in 2009. Today, Kong has nearly 10 Trillion API calls per month. APIs allow us to break down the silos, opening the doors across what every team is doing. Join Kong CTO and Co-founder Marco Palladino in his Kong Summit 2022 Keynote, as he covers the new frontier of API management technology. Hear customer stories and see a product demo to learn how an API vision can transform a business.

Can You Smell What Kong Is Cooking? Principal Developer Advocate, Viktor Gamov, Kong Summit 2022

Can You Smell What Kong Is Cooking? Kong Principal Developer Advocate review all the highlights, major announcements, and most enlightening moments from Day 1 of Kong Summit 2022, and brings on special guests to dive deep in some Kong product demos.

Fortune favors the prepared, Talend CEO keynote at Talend Connect '22

Pandemics, wars, the Great Resignation...doing business has become more complicated than ever. The No. 1 thing companies say they need to survive is to become data driven. It’s a great goal, but what does that really look like in action? Our opening keynote answers that question and more by outlining the three things you MUST have for your business to become truly, sustainably data driven. You’ll also get insights about how companies are making the change today from analyst and "CIO In the Know" host Tim Crawford, as well as Talend customers like eBay and financial services provider Harmoney.

Jeremy Glassenberg on Low-Code/No-Code Ecosystem | Kongcast Flash | #KongSummit2022

On this episode of #Kongcast Flash, Jeremy Glassenberg - Product Leader of APIs at DocuSign - introduces his #KongSummit2022 talk: Mapping the No-Code/Low-Code Ecosystem with Your #API Strategy. In his session, you’ll get a holistic overview of the no-code/low-code landscape, typical personas, key learnings from success and failures in the industry, and tips to create a plan as part of your overall developer story.