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Data Integration in the Life Sciences: Eliminate Data Silos for Good

In the life sciences industry, where breakthroughs in research and healthcare are fueled by data, data silos can be a big problem. Data silos might be caused by things like legacy systems, departmental divisions, disparate data formats, or lack of interoperability standards. Data silos can manifest at any point in the product lifecycle and make it hard for the right people to access and use the information they need, when they need it.

Mastering API Gateway Auth: Proven Methods for Secure Connectivity

Securing your API gateway is critical to protect your services from unauthorized access and ensure safe data transmission. In this article, we’ll explore the essentials of API gateway auth, discuss the major authentication methods, and offer guidance for implementing and overcoming challenges in API gateway authentication—providing you with the knowledge to keep your digital assets secure.

How to Fix java.lang Illegal Argument Exception Unsupported Class File Major Version 61

The "Unsupported class file major version 61" error in Java means you're trying to run a Java program that's too advanced for the version of Java you have installed. To fix this, either update your Java to version 17 or newer, otherwise recompile the program with an older Java version that matches your runtime environment.

WebdriverIO - All You Need To Know

In today's fast-paced software development industry, it is highly critical to deliver high-quality web and mobile applications rapidly is paramount. This is where automation testing services come in, and WebdriverIO emerges as a powerful test automation solution. Designed for the modern web, WebdriverIO is a test automation framework that seamlessly interacts with both web applications and native mobile applications on iOS and android devices.

The Top 10 Version Control Tools

It is essential that developers keep track of their code changes, particularly when you have numerous developers making alterations to the same codebase. By incorporating a version control tool into your organization you can ensure that you follow and manage any changes to your source code and keep historic versions preserved.

Good Database Migration Practices for Your Ruby on Rails App using Strong Migrations

One great feature that comes with modern web frameworks is the ability to manage database schema migrations. However, schema migrations are not 100% safe and remain a recurring cause of issues within projects I have encountered over the last 15 years. This article will review the issues surrounding poorly managed schema migrations and then look into Strong Migrations, a gem that can help you avoid most problems. Finally, we will discuss a few good practices around database management. Let's get started!

Introducing the World's First OSS Production-Grade Gateway API Operator

Today’s the day you’ve all been waiting for: Kong Gateway Operator OSS is here. You can read the code and see what a production-grade Kubernetes operator looks like. Authored by multiple Gateway API contributors, Kong Gateway Operator is the de-facto reference for Gateway API implementers on Kubernetes. Kong Gateway Operator (KGO) 1.2 brings six new features plus a brand new Helm chart that allows you to deploy KGO using tools that you already know and love.

Enhancing APIOps with decK for Kong Ingress Controller Users

The latest release of decK's APIOps features with the Kong Ingress Controller advances API management and automation in Kubernetes environments. This blog post delves into how this integration streamlines operations, ensuring a more feature-rich API lifecycle management.

Continuous Deployment Challenges in Native Mobile Applications

In this blog post, explore the unique challenges of Continuous Deployment in native mobile apps, including the complexities of app store distribution and rollback limitations, and discover insights on navigating these hurdles while striving for efficient CI/CD workflows in mobile development.