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Automation: How to Thrive Amid Remote Work Stress, Part 2

The remote work revolution is here to stay. But making the emotional pivot to make remote work pay off won’t be easy. So says Joe Kennedy, a Partner and Technology Consulting Leader with PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC). In the last episode of this two-part post, Kennedy reminded us that we’ve always had the capability to do remote work. He says that the challenge now is to find and fix the rough patches in our business processes to make work more efficient.

Data Science vs. Big Data Marketing

Data science and big data are essential in today’s world of marketing. You’ve probably already seen multiple instances of both being used for advertising and sales purposes, but you may not realize just how useful they are. If you own a business, you need to know how to use data for your own marketing programs.

The New Releases of Apache NiFi in Public Cloud and Private Cloud

Cloudera released a lot of things around Apache NiFi recently! We just released Cloudera Flow Management (CFM) 2.1.1 that provides Apache NiFi on top of Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) 7.1.6. This major release provides the latest and greatest of Apache NiFi as it includes Apache NiFi 1.13.2 and additional improvements, bug fixes, components, etc. Cloudera also released CDP 7.2.9 on all three major cloud platforms, and it also brings Flow Management on DataHub with Apache NiFi 1.13.2 and more.

Contextual analytics vs dashboards: What's the difference?

For 20 years, standalone BI tools have failed to penetrate more than 25% of the average organization, with most workers using them once a week, according to Eckerson Group. While many modern dashboards are sophisticated and user-friendly, they are still often accessed as standalone tools outside of line-of-business applications. This separation means it isn’t guaranteed that users will adopt BI, or gain insight from their data.

Neither Cloud nor SaaS Will Deliver Your Data's Full Potential

Your data now resides in the cloud, and you’ve chosen SaaS providers that use their own products (or drink their own champagne, as I like to say). Does that mean you’re getting the full value from your data? No. Chances are high your data is still siloed. This time, the culprits are your SaaS providers who collect and store your data, thus limiting the analytics you can perform on it.

Selenium and Mobile Test Automation - Can Selenium Be Used for Mobile Testing?

Selenium is a tremendously popular automated testing tool for desktop, web applications. Testing on mobile devices is a major requirement that has grown exponentially in recent years. Why has the mobile testing requirement grown so much? The answer is pretty clear. Just look at how dependent each one of us has become on a mobile phone. Today mobile phones are as vital as breathing for us. That is the reason that going without a mobile phone for even a few hours seems impossible for us.

iOS 14.5 and Countly: a Match Made in the Clouds

According to Statcounter, Apple’s iOS penetration in the global mobile scene is around 27%, which is more than considerable. However, this penetration is at almost 50% in markets such as Europe or North America which coincidentally, are those at the forefront of enacting strict data privacy policies. So when Apple announced new user data privacy regulations for app developers as part of its iOS 14.5 release, it was not too shocking.