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Test Automation Landscape in 2020 Report | Examine Current and Future Disruptive Trends

ATLANTA, GA – September 28, 2020 – Katalon LLC released a report on the current landscape of test automation based on the answers of 5,000+ respondents worldwide. Its purpose is to gather valuable insights and highlight recent best practices to aid the testing community in formulating data-driven strategies and solutions.

Exploring Node.js Async Hooks

Have you ever heard of Node.js async hooks module? If the answer is no, then you should get familiar with it. Even though it’s new stuff (released along with Node.js 9) and the module is still in experimental mode, which means it’s not recommended for production, you should still get to know it a bit better. In short, Node.js async hooks, more specifically the async_hooks module, provides a clear and easy-to-use API to track async resources in Node.js.

Get your GitOps for real-time apps on Apache Kafka & Kubernetes

Infrastructure as code has been an important practice of DevOps for years. Anyone running an Apache Kafka data infrastructure and running on Kubernetes, the chances are you’ve probably nailed defining your infrastructure this way. If you’re running on Kubernetes, you’re likely using operators as part of your CI/CD toolchain to automate your deployments.

A Five Step Framework to Scale, Optimize & Accelerate API Standardization

Consistency is one of the most critical elements of accelerating API development as organizations try to meet increased demand, quality expectations, and regulatory requirements. Without a consistent API design to developers, there is no guarantee that the final result will match the intended purpose or the application depending on the API can function properly.

Modern Codeless Test Automation: Myths And Facts

With the advancement in technology together with the advent of Agile and DevOps, the software industry is witnessing many changes. Testing, being the part of the software arena, is also advancing to great new heights. From manual testing to record-and-playback tools, then to automation testing and now to codeless test automation, we have traversed a long path. And as we know only change is constant, there will be further advancements to make this journey more fun and fruitful.

How Running Load Tests Help E-commerce Businesses Prepare For Sales Season

E-commerce is growing globally, forecasts for 2020 promise it to reach over 4 trillion USD and over 4.2 billion USD for retail e-commerce. We are approaching a very special season for online retail business owners: Black Friday, Cyber Monday and preparing for the holiday season. Every team behind an e-commerce business is planning big for this time. Every online store will try to attract as much traffic as possible. Are you planning to do the same?

Elevating Data Science Practices for the Media, Entertainment & Advertising Industries

As more and more companies are embedding AI projects into their systems, attracted by the promise of efficiencies and competitive advantages, data science teams are feeling the growing pains of a relatively immature practice without widespread established and repeatable norms.