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Due Diligence Process In Banking: 3 Automation Trends To Watch

Bank turmoil associated with recent bank failures has highlighted the importance of due diligence for managing financial risk, growing revenue, and retaining jittery customers. Regulators will likely ramp up their scrutiny–even after hitting financial institutions with a jaw-dropping $2.7 billion in fines in 2021 for failing to meet compliance and due diligence standards.

Which Mobile Testing Framework is Right for You?

Mobile apps are essential for many businesses to reach their target customer. As a result, flawless performance has become a top priority. Mobile testing plays a crucial role in this context by validating an app’s functionality, usability, and security across different devices, operating systems, and network environments. However, choosing the proper testing framework can be daunting due to the sheer number of options available and the unique considerations of each one.

Getting Started with Parallel Processing in PHP

"Many hands make light work" applies well to the concept of parallel processing. It means that a task becomes easier and quicker when many people work together towards a common goal. In the context of computing, parallel processing refers to the ability to divide a task into smaller parts and distribute them across multiple processors or cores to complete the task more efficiently. Parallel processing involves breaking down a complex task into simpler ones, which can be executed in parallel.

Unlock the Full Potential of Hive

In the realm of big data analytics, Hive has been a trusted companion for summarizing, querying, and analyzing huge and disparate datasets. But let’s face it, navigating the world of any SQL engine is a daunting task, and Hive is no exception. As a Hive user, you will find yourself wanting to go beyond surface-level analysis, and deep dive into the intricacies of how a Hive query is executed.

Observe Your Phoenix App with Structured Logging

In this post, we'll configure a Phoenix LiveView application to use a structured logger. We'll then use AppSignal to correlate log events with other telemetry signals, like exception reports and traces. Along the way, you'll learn about the benefits of structured logging, and you'll see how to configure a distinct framework and application logger in your Phoenix app. Let's get started!

What is a Legacy System and Why Are They in Use?

“Legacy system” is a phrase that professionals use a lot, and it has a lot of negative connotations. Some businesses feel they need to avoid legacy systems at all costs, while others find that most of their major operations depend on outdated software or processes. But even though a business may find older systems that run legacy applications are essential, it’s time to consider whether the risks are worth it. Here are the key things to know about legacy systems: Table of Contents.

How ThoughtSpot Partnered with Google Cloud to put AI at the center of BI

At ThoughtSpot, we believe making data accessible to every knowledge worker requires human-centered technology—an analytics experience that bridges the “language” barrier between technology and people. AI is the perfect compliment to search because it empowers organizations to analyze, understand, and act on data.

How Frontend Performance Testing Can Catapult Your Business to the Top

Hello there, visionary business owner or savvy tech guru! Ever felt like your website is a Ferrari trapped in rush hour traffic? Let’s change that. In the digital world, speed is king and frontend performance testing is your ticket to the fast lane. Join me as we shift into gear and explore the best practices of frontend performance testing.