Digital transformation is not only a technology strategy, it’s a plan to use technology to enable new business models, new products and services, and new strategies – and to drive business growth. However, to seize the potential, software engineering leaders need to think beyond technology and data and move their organizations forward into the digital age. For software engineering leaders, digital technology initiatives are of the utmost importance.
The future of the modern data stack is tightly coupled to how those warehouses evolve — and that’s where Iceberg comes in.
Improving your app’s user engagement is key to its success. One way to prevent churn and increase interactions in your Flutter app is by using notifications. Push notifications are pop-up messages that are displayed outside the app’s UI. These messages can appear when the app is closed or in the background. Push notifications are used to get users’ attention and communicate information to them.
Hello Folks, Great to meet you all with another interesting blog. There are many relationships between Games and Testing. Many people use that as a metaphor and define testing. Why is it so? Every game requires strategy and analytical skills to play and win. In today’s blog, I will be explaining how chess and the pieces in chess are related to software testers and what we learn from them. Chess is one of the brilliant games. No one could deny it.
In this article, we are going to explore why the Stripe developer experience is so passionately supported by thousands of developers globally. One of Stripe’s missions is to increase the GDP of the internet, and over the last decade, they’ve successfully executed 250 million API requests per day and over 91 billion requests per year through their APIs.
APIs can have a huge impact on your business, creating value and delivering new income streams. But they don’t always do so in the way you might have had envisioned at the outset. Which means, when it comes to API monetization, it can pay to be prepared for the unexpected.