Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Automated and Manual Testing with Zephyr Enterprise

Comprehensive software testing has never been more important than it is today. Software will continue to play an essential role in our daily lives. What is changing – and will continue to change – is what we test and how we test it. Modern software codebases are immensely complex. It’s simply not feasible to execute all of the necessary test cases manually. The bulk of testing today is automated.

Global Alerts & Integrations in N|Solid [9/10] The best APM for Node, layer by layer.

N|Solid provides unparalleled performance and security monitoring for various deployments and team sizes. You can configure the N|Solid Console to notify you when new vulnerabilities are found in your applications. DevOps professionals looking after applications running in production can be notified of performance and security issues earlier and then collaborate wherever they want (Slack, Microsoft Teams, email, etc.) to resolve them.

How to achieve data governance for financial institutions

The increasing focus on privacy and data-related regulations makes strategic data governance a key asset for all organisations, particularly the data-rich financial services sector. Financial institutions must have a robust data strategy to navigate data protection regulations, such as GDPR in Europe, the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) in Singapore and Thailand, to remain successful in the regions where they operate and avoid implications arising from noncompliance.

The Best Podcasts for CTOs in 2022: stay up-to-date with latest industry news.

In this day and age, it’s more important than ever for CTOs to stay up-to-date with the latest industry news. But with so much information out there, it can be tough to know where to start. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best podcasts for CTOs, so you can easily find the ones that will be most relevant to you and your interests! We’ve rounded up some of the best podcasts for CTOs, covering everything from the latest industry news to career advice.

9 Best WebSocket Libraries for Node.js in 2022

The ability to establish communication between your browser and the servers is now possible due to WebSocket libraries. It enables you to send messages to that server and receive event-driven responses in return. Even without checking with the server for updates. Additionally, some developers choose to use the WebSocket libraries' APIs. This is done to provide asynchronous communication between the server and your browsers.