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Applying Fine Grained Security to Apache Spark

Apache Spark with its rich data APIs has been the processing engine of choice in a wide range of applications from data engineering to machine learning, but its security integration has been a pain point.t Many enterprise customers needi finer granularity of control, in particular at the column and row level (commonly known as Fine Grained Access Control or FGAC).

Connect a Ruby on Rails App with React in a Monolith

More and more people are using Ruby on Rails to create a back-end API application for a front-end app. But what if you want to create a rich and functional interface with JavaScript and use Rails for the back-end, without having them in separate repositories? You can create a monolithic Rails application. This article will show you how to connect a Rails application with a front-end developed in React (without splitting the code into two separate applications).

Optimize your cloud data cost: 4 steps to reduce cloud data platform cost before they control you

If you have managed a cloud data platform, you have undoubtedly gotten that call. You know the one, it's usually from finance or the office of the CFO, inquiring about your monthly spend. And it usually comes in one of two forms: While both are clear and present dangers to cloud data platform owners, they don’t have to be.

This Is No Time To Waffle On Complete Automation

Here’s something to know about me. I love breakfast food. With a capital “L.” And I have for my whole life. So it’s kind of surprising that I only recently added a crepe pan to my collection of kitchen tools. This crepe pan is great. It’s non-stick, but made from all-natural materials, and it’s the perfect size. I could even use it to cook bacon. Or scramble eggs. But I won't.

What's best for web graphic designers: Photoshop or Procreate?

In 2022 there are many tools that a person who wants to create a picture or to process a photo can use. There are free and paid apps, websites that offer quick customization of photos and pictures’ templates, but if we are talking about the work of a web graphic designer, there is a need for much more advanced tools. Currently people who work in this sphere have split between Photoshop and Procreate, and both of those options have many advantages that satisfy the needs of specific people.

Vulnerability Scanning & 3rd-Party Modules Certification in N|Solid [8/10] The best APM for Node, layer by layer.

NCM —NodeSource Certified Modules— is the secure, reliable way to take advantage of the massive ecosystem of Node.js packages. Certified modules are compatible with Node LTS and monitored continuously to identify risk over time. Certification guarantees no security vulnerabilities or unverified code in modules or dependencies and is easy to set up and manage. No workflow changes are required.

The Beginner's Guide to Developing APIs

In the data-driven world, APIs have earned a crucial spot in the space where business and tech collide. Everyone from software engineers to business owners can benefit from APIs. This post will serve as a beginner’s guide on APIs, highlighting how they work and the benefits they can provide to business operations.

How Xenon Partners Designed an End-to-End No-Code Data Transformation Pipeline With on BigQuery

Every business relies on a number of IT systems for daily operations. Each of these systems contains valuable data that is essential for tracking success metrics, forecasting future trends, monitoring daily operations—and most importantly, steering businesses on the proper course. However, creating data transformation pipelines to integrate data into a cloud data warehouse for analysis is challenging.

Will AI power the next wave of testing transformation? Here's what 2,600 DevOps professionals had to say

Year after year, DevOps industry reports and practitioners in the field point to testing as the biggest bottleneck in the software development lifecycle. Take GitLab’s 2021 Global DevSecOps Survey – for the third year in a row, the majority of respondents pointed to testing as the biggest cause of delays. That’s a lot of finger-pointing. If we had to guess, testers are tired of it.