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Xplenty's Rest API Component Tutorial

In this video, we will set up a Rest API connector using Xplenty. Combining your business data in one secure destination is desirable if you want to analyze and operationalize that data at scale. Xplenty's REST API connector helps you connect to many popular business SaaS and other digital services. Advanced Features of Xplenty's REST API Connector Pagination Schemes When retrieving data in large amounts, it is typical for any API to incorporate a paging mechanism. The commonly used methods for pagination are.

How to Setup a Snowflake Connection within Xplenty

In this video, we will set up a Snowflake connection with Xplenty. Many companies are now strategically using their data assets as the core of their digital transformation efforts. Building a data pipeline can help companies combine information from all their systems to gain insights into their business. A recent study showed that 59.5% of corporations using advanced analytics saw measurable results. Using a warehouse such as Snowflake can help companies leverage this information to drive business strategy.

[PNSQC 2021] Test Automation Strategy: Insider Practices & Secrets

Katalon is truly proud to have sponsored the 2021 Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference and united the powerful minds of software quality assurance! Watch on with Adam Satterfield, Katalon Evangelist, to understand why an impactful testing strategy needs: #katalon #pnsqc2021 #agilemethodologyinsoftwaretesting #test automation #agiletesting #devsecops #softwarequalityassurancetutorial #test strategyvstestplan

Why are Percentiles More Useful than Averages in Performance Testing

We all want our websites to be responsive and useful. However, the biggest correlation between website performance and business results is seen by improving the performance and speed of your website. Users get bored if they have to wait for too long to load your website or application. Performance Testing and Load Testing your website and restful APIs will help you understand better how your website and web services behave when a lot of users access your website at the same time.

Next.js Incremental Static Regeneration

The way developers approach new web applications has changed due to Next.js. For a long time, dynamic sites used a combination of Server-side Rendering (SSR) and Client-side Rendering (CSR) to display dynamic data in their applications. SSR succeeded well because developers were able to build HTML before passing it on to the browser, allowing search engines to readily crawl it.

Optimistic Locking in Rails REST APIs

Imagine the following hypothetical scenario: in a rental property management system, Employee A starts editing contact info for Rental X, adding some extra phone numbers. Around the same time, Employee B notices a typo in the contact info for exactly that Rental X and performs an update. A couple of minutes later, Employee A updates Rental X’s contact info with the new phone numbers, and … the update fixing the typo is now gone! That’s definitely not great!